26: Live...

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"Hmm..." Midoriya sighed through a hum as he peered through the curtains from one of the windows in Yaoyorozu's room, seeing the constant torrent of rainfall wash against the outside of the glass as it tapped all around the estate structure. Way off in the distance was a faint flash of lightning, followed by the familiar distinct noise of thunder clapping above. Grey clouds obscured the light of the sun to create a moody and dim aesthetic as Midoriya backed away from the window and retreated to the comfort of Yaoyorozu's bed. "Seems like it's not stopping anytime soon."

Crawling onto the covers of the large bed to lay back down he interlaced his fingers behind his head and stared up to the ceiling, one leg crooked while the other lay completely outstretched. In a black thermal and matching color shorts the air conditioning of the estate was cool, but not cold. The kind of cool one could simply lay in while staring at the ceiling to contemplate the layout of their life and what is to come. Which would be what he thought of doing, were it not for all that his life currently had to offer at the moment in plentiful reserves.

Love. For something he was foreign to for majority of his life up to now, he couldn't believe that the one thing he never thought of seeking earlier was the one thing that filled everything he could ever want or need. To feel wanted and cared for, to feel the rough of his scarred skin smooth into silky bliss, to feel the tempers of his challenged mind cool into an easy state, to feel what it was like to live again. Living was one thing but to live and be loved at the same time was a feeling like no other. Had he realized a taste of this feeling much earlier perhaps he would have had some motivation to seek love during high school. Perhaps. Though, his conquest to achieve his life long dream almost always overtook everything else. Family included, shamefully to admit.

The larger part of the guilt comes with the knowledge that these feelings weren't something of a recent developing for Yaoyorozu either. She's held onto them, for all this time. To think he existed in the same class as her and didn't acknowledge let alone see these emotions that she held for him was a bit stomach churning, sincerely. The loyalty she possessed to remain true to what her heart desired most without waver or difference, if only there was some manner to travel back and notify his high school self what lay in front of him this entire time. To think on the memories that could have been made and the sleepless nights that could have been avoided, a damned fool he used to be, truly. But no matter the amount of wishing or hoping or dreaming, the past is the past. Nothing could ever change that.

Though the future was forever a curious thought to be had and pondered upon. A future with none other than Momo Yaoyorozu herself, it was certainly a colorful and imaginary picture he could have if any. But among those colors was a darker shade that caused a light tremble to rattle throughout his bones. The shade from the possibility, of children. Like any other normal person in life he figured the prospect of his own children was always something that caused a few boots to shiver, but for him it was even more so. His mistakes, his mind, his anxieties, his insecurities. Was he, would he, ever be good enough?

Even now while there was still plenty of time in between the current moment and the future ahead he fidgeted in the bed, an uneasiness fluttering at the very core of his stomach that he sighed through. Really, he knew better than to think about heavy topics such as the future of his bloodline but, there was a sweetness to it. To think that far with Yaoyorozu in his mind was in a way, an idea of just how far he wanted to go with her at his side. Sure it was scary, any moment at any given point always had the possibility of turning on it's side completely and horribly. But, with a woman like Yaoyorozu? It didn't sound as bad as it seemed. Rather, it nudged him even to the idea of being somewhat...happy.

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