2. Laws of Robotics and The Zeroth Law

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CIEL did the tests on Zero as he noted the very very high tech machine's around the lab. He has also found out that he has combat data in his memory so he is able to utilise the moves in theory, he hasn't actually tried them as he didn't want to wreck the lab.

Speaking of which he also realised that he has the weapons of Zero and many more which he can take from the lab, if CIEL allows it. The last thing he wants is for her to think that he has some kind of problem.

"Alright, you don't have any anomalies or system problems so it's fine. Now we can go show you to my superiors." CIEL said with a happy expression.

"If I may ask CIEL, why am I the only one who was created? And why are you the only one who is working on me?" Zero asked her.

He noticed that CIEL seemed to be the only one in the lab and she was the one who personally did all the tests. He would've thought that she might have help in that regard but it seems he was mistaken about that. Then there is the fact that he is the only one who seems to have been created. If memory serves him right the Honkai is a very large enemy and it would need a lot more of his type to fight them.

"Ah, well you see..." CIEL said as she is embarrassed.

'He has only been awakened a few moments ago but he is acting like a human already. My work is a success.' CIEL thought to herself in her mind.

But then she collected herself before looking at Zero.

"Yes, Zero, do you know what kind of energy you are running on right now?" CIEL askrd him.

Zero was a bit confused about her question. Considering where he is right now he should be running on Honkai energy. But he decided to check and was momentarily surprised but his face didn't show it.

"I am currently running on the energy from a nuclear reactor." Zero said to her.

'Oh my gosh I'm a walking nuclear bomb!' Zero screamed in his mind.

"Yes, you are a robot made with a nuclear reactor as a core. Unlike the other's I wanted to create you not using Honkai energy but Nuclear energy. That... is the reason I'm the only one in this project." CIEL said before she looked away.

'I see.' Zero thought to himself.

"Why is it that they don't direct their resources to your projects?" Zero asked him.

'Now that I think about it. I have got a larger vocabulary than before.' Zero noted as indeed in his memory chip he has a much larger vocabulary.

"It's because I'm only an energy scientist and currently they are in need of weapons. And also, your project has another reason why they didn't direct their resources to me." CIEL said to him.

"And what is that?" Zero asked curiously.

"Simply put, I wanted to create a robot that is exactly like a human. Like, being able to feel emotions, logic, morality. Everything that us humans can feel, I wanted you to feel as well." CIEL said to him.

"I see. Then thank you for this CIEL." Zero said as he thanked her.

"It's no big deal. They didn't like the idea that much but they gave me clearance regardless to create one which is you." CIEL said to him.

'But still, what is wrong with wanting to create a robot that can empathize with us? It is my great grandfather's wish and I have managed to finally fulfill it.' CIEL thought with a pout before smiling happily.

Zero meanwhile just looked at her expression with a confused look. CIEL then got out of her head and coughed into her fist which he found cute as she looked at him seriously.

"Lastly, before we go, I want to check one more thing. Zero, state the Laws of Robotics." CIEL said to him seriously.

"First Law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law." Zero said to her in attention.

"Good." CIEL said with a smile.

She then looked at her tablet as she typed something into it before looking at him.

"And now state the Zeroth Law Of Robotics." CIEL said to him.

"Zeroth Law: A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm." Zero said to her.

This however caused him to remember the ending of Megaman Zero 4 but she didn't dwell. He can mourn the legend when he gets the time.

"Great. I had sent the message to my superiors and they should be ready to meet you. Let's go." CIEL said with a smile as she walked.

Zero silently followed behind her as his boots made sound as they exited the lab.

End Chapter

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