11. Irrational Robot

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(Got down with a fever so my mind wasn't in the right state to write. Sorry for the wait.)

Ciel made her way to the meeting room with the others as they saw a good amount of soldiers gathered there. And she saw at the helm of the meeting she saw the man who was called an idiot by Zero.

 And she saw at the helm of the meeting she saw the man who was called an idiot by Zero

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(This image best describes how I see him as.)

It is none other than Iok Kujan as he has a serious face as he looked at the assembled people. Ciel decided to stay behind and watch. She also spotted Dr. Mei and Dr. Mobius among the gathered people as she wondered about what the man will do.

"I thank you all for coming here at such a short notice." Iok said as he looked at them.

"Sir." The soldier's said in unison.

"I have called you here to talk about our latest weapon that the energy scientist Dr. Ciel had made." Iok said to them.

This got the others interested as they wondered what he wanted to say. Since Zero had just been awakened, the only ones who know about him as in seen him are the council members, Ciel, Dr. Mei and Mobius, Himeko and Elysia while the others only heard about him.

"This is the robot named as Zero." Iok said as Zero's image appeared on the screen.

The soldiers looked at him curiously as they took in his form. The future Flame Chaser's, at least those who were there, Kevin, Sakura, Vill-V, Hua looked at him as they took in his image.

'He looks like any other robot. What is so special about him?' Kevin thought to himself.

'He has a unique design.' Vill-V thought to herself.

'A human like robot that can feel emotions? Please.' Hua said not believing it.

Sakura just stayed silent along with Himeko, Ciel and Elysia as they wanted to know what he wanted to say to the assembled soldiers.

"By Dr. CIEL's own admission, he is a robot who is able to feel emotions like us humans and is able to think like us." Iok said to them.

This caused the soldiers to talk with each other as the future Flamechasers looked at said scientist along with Himeko.

"Is he actually capable of that?" A soldier asked him.

"We are not sure. But he has shown signs of rebellion." Iok said to them.

This got the attention of the people as except for Himeko the other future Flamechasers were looking at Ciel surprised.

'A robot that disobeys a human? That's dangerous.' Hua thought to herself.

'We're already fighting the Honkai. A robot that might rebel against us is going to be a problem.' Kevin thought to himself.

'If it becomes a danger to Rin I will destroy it.' Sakura thought to herself as she narrowed her eyes.

Reincarnated as Megaman Zero in Honkai Impact Where stories live. Discover now