21. Zero vs Hua

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After Hua challenged Zero to a spar he agreed to it. He along with Ciel, Himeko and Hua were walking to the fighting area when they came across Elysia who was walking alongside Kalpas and Aponia. Surprisingly, Kalpas didn't lunge at him and stayed silent to the surprise of the people present.

The other members of the Squad V didn't go since they knew that Hua couldn't match Zero who had easily defeated a superhuman like Kalpas, a title the boy got when the company saw how powerful he, as a normal human is.

They reached the area as the two entered and took positions, standing a few metres from each other. This time there was no need for any simulations so they were just in a very large white room. The others were watching through the audience area as they looked at them.

"So, when do we start?" Zero asked her as he stood casually.

"Right now." Hua said as she got into her stance.

The two didn't do anything as Hua waited for Zero to do anything but he stood casually.

'He doesn't consider me a threat. And as much as I loathe to admit it he is right.' Hua thought to herself as she got ready.

She then dashed towards him and with her specially made equipment boosting her capabilities she was able to close the distance between them in a second. She threw a right hook which Zero blocked easily without batting an eyelid.

Hua clicked her tongue at this before she started to dish out fast punches one after another which Zero blocked effortlessly. Seeing this she jumped back and then dropkicks him which is also blocked by him as he isn't even fazed.

'Her movements are good and has skill but she doesn't have the necessary force behind the attacks.' Zero noted as he watched her jump back.

She then gave an axe kick which he blocked then the grabbed his arm and tried to knee him in his face but he blocked the attack with his left hand which displeased her as she jumped back and looked at him.

'He is effortlessly stopping my attacks, just how fast is he?' Hua thought to herself as she got into a stance.

Then she started to attack him with kicks as well as she started to use all four of her limbs to attack him as he kept on blocking them.

In the audience area, Ciel, Himeko, Elysia, Kalpas, Aponia and surprisingly Kevin, Vill-V, Sakura and Rin.

"How did you guys know about their spar?" Ciel asked the newcomers.

"She sent us a message." Vill-V said as she pointed at a smiling Elysia.

"Rin wanted to see this so I brought her here." Sakura said as she looked at her sister.

Said sister is looking at the fight with an awed face as she watched how the two were fighting.

'So coool! That red robot is fighting Hua so easily.' Rin thought to herself as she watched the fight.

Sakura seeing her sister just chuckled a bit as she looked at her before turning her attention to the spar. Kevin and Kalpas were giving extra concentration on it as they wanted to know how Zero would fare against a skilled opponent.

Kalpas knows that he doesn't have skills and mostly relies on brute strength to fight against his enemies. He also respects strength which is also why he respects Sakura. That respect also extends to Zero who had managed to defeat him so easily.

The overwhelming strength that he possessed caused Kalpas to come to respect him immensely, which is the reason as to why he didn't attack him when they saw eachother again. He also knows about him being a robot but he doesn't care about it much as his strength was enough for him to get his respect.

On the arena Hua who has been having her attacks blocked again and again was getting more frustrated as she kept on attacking and attacking with none of her attacks connecting with him despite the fact that she has been using increased speed.

Zero adapted to it and is using greater amount of speed to block her attacks. This only served to irritate her as her training and effort were doing nothing against Zero.

'Come on, at least one hit.' Hua thought as she started to hit more quicker and harder.

'She's getting restless and her attacks are becoming out of sinc.' Zero thought to himself.

Hua then gave a punch which was a bit too long which Zero caught and then lifted her off the ground and then slammed her on her back as Hua gasped in pain and surprise when she felt it.

"You're getting too frustrated. Calm your mind." Zero said to her.

Hua just got up and sent a kick which he blocked and twisted her. Hua used that to send a spin kick at her which he ducked his head to dodge and let her go as she sent a punch. He swiftly blocked it and looked her arms behind her back as she was forced to turn around to not break her arm as she struggled to get herself free.

"You can't find Hua, accept defeat." Zero said to her as she just "Tch"ed in frustration.

She then stopped resisting as he let her go as she let her hands drop to her side as he looked at her.

'So damn weak.' Hua thought to herself frustrated.

Then she noticed Zero looking at her as she looked back at him.

"What?" Hua asked as she looked at him.

"Nothing." Zero said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Are you not going to say anything about my lack of power?" Hua asked with a frustrated look.

"No. Cause I think that you are quite impressive." Zero said causing her to look at him surprised.

"Why do you think I'm impressive?" Hua asked him.

"No human who knows of my strength would willingly challenge me but you did. That is quite impressive and remarkable in my eyes. And you are a remarkable human." Zero said with a smile.

This caught Hua off guard as this is the first time someone other than Himeko, Rin and Elysia had complimented her. Most of the other Moth just kept to themselves.

Kevin mostly tried to stay in contact with Mei, Vill-V with her inventions, Sakura with her sister and other members just minding their own business.

So she was really surprised when he complimented her when he is known amongst the Moth as a robot which openly insults those who meet him.

"Uh, thanks." Hua said not knowing what to say.

"Good. Then let's go back. I do have to do some work with Ciel." Zero said to her.

"Yeah, i have to train as well." Hua said to him.

"Well, it was a good match. It is quite refreshing to fight against a skilled opponent." Zero said as he raised his hand for a handshake.

"Uh, same." Hua said as she shook his hand.

'I didn't exactly like how easily he defeated me though.' Hua thought to herself as she let go of his hand.

"Let's work together to protect humanity." Zero said as he turned from her as he gave her a side glance.

"Yes, let's work together." Hua said as she turned towards the exit.

Zero nodded as he walked with Hua trailing behind him as he has a smile on his face.

End Chapter

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