18. Human Berserker

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"What the hell is that boy doing?" Iok said in disbelief when he got the news.

Zero and Kalpas has just punched eachother which caused a dust cloud to appear and cover them as the HQ was alerted about it. Iok was annoyed at the boys attitude.

'Not only is he unruly and violent he also attacks almost anything. Not to mention the fact that he is so much stronger than us normal humans that only that Sakura and some of our soldiers are able to match him.' Iok thought to himself with gritted teeth.

He looked at the screen that appeared which is showing the footage from the area. The same footage is being seen by almost all of the HQ as the higher ups and soldiers alike were able to see it as it was being broadcast due to the clash of power to not cause a false alarm among the people.

Zero and Kalpas jumped backwards out of the smoke and landed as the dust cloud was still prevalent. Kalpas decided to use it as he dashed into the cloud and went straight towards Zero who was ready for it as he moved out of the way of the attack.

"Don't dodge like a coward!" Kalpas shouted as he attacked him again.

Zero kept on dodging his attacks as he looked at the way the boy is fighting as he analysed it.

'He seems to have some experience in fighting, but the technique is still crude and he doesn't seem to have much skill but the fact that he has superior physical abilities make up for it.' Zero analysed as he kept on dodging.

If he had to categorise him then it would be a berserker, as he gives more focus to power than skill since his missed attacks if it landed on the ground caused tremors.

Zero then dodged and grabbed his right arm and flipped him over his shoulder and made a crater. That was when he caught sight of Ciel along with Elysia and the nun standing outside with a group of Moth soldiers. He was also able to see Vill-V, Kevin, Himeko, Hua and Sakura as well as they were looking at him.

He jumped as Kalpas quickly recovered from the attack and jumped high and tried to deliver an axe kick only for Zero to block it as a small crater formed from the force of the attack.

"You're much stronger than a normal human that's for sure." Zero comments as he smirks.

"Hmph! Yeah, well I'll show you how strong I am!" Kalpas shouted as he jumped back and then shot forward with a kick.

Zero blocked it with a kick as well which kicked up a large dust cloud as it cause winds to be generated which went towards the Moth members as they covered their faces from the wind.

'Zero, I hope you will be okay.' Ciel thought to herself in worry.

Then she got a message in her tab which caused her to look at it as it caused her to widen his eyes. After that she gave an order to the Moth soldier beside her as he went inside the facility. The others were curious about what she ordered but gave more focus to the fight in front of them.

Speaking of the fight Zero ran out of the dust cloud with his hand on Kalpas's face as he dragged him on the ground before throwing him away.

"Is he able to do that?" Kevin asked Ciel.

As far as he knew about the robot, it isn't supposed to hurt humans, though Kalpas isn't a normal human to begin with.

"Well, he is self-aware so he is essentially protecting himself so yes." Ciel said to him.

They then looked at the two as Kalpas shot forwards and started to attack him as Zero parried his attacks and would retaliate. But soon they started to see Zero getting overwhelmed by Kalpas's constant attacks.

"He's being overwhelmed." Hua said with wide eyes seeing Zero starting to get overwhelmed by Kalpas.

Himeko was also staring in disbelief while Elysia was getting worried for the robot. The soldiers were muttering to themselves about how the robot is being overwhelmed by a human boy and wondered if the talks about his strength is true or not.

"I'll tear you apart!" Kalpas shouted as he grabbed ahold of his right arm.

Then in one fell swoop he ripped out his entire right arm out of his right socket in a savage display causing the ones watching to gasp in shock as Zero grit his teeth.

But Kalpas didn't stop there and proceeded to grab ahold of his other arm and ripped it off before throwing it away as Zero staggered back armless as he looked at the human.

"Kalpas wait!" Elysia called out with a worried look.

But it fell to deaf ears as Kalpas roared and lunged at Zero and stabbed into his chest using his right hand in front of the eyes of the Moth soldiers.

The members of the council were also watching this from their screens as their eyes widened. Now they have an excuse to study him and create robots to use in the fight against the Honkai.

"Zero!" Himeko meanwhile called out in shock.

She never expected the robot to be defeated like this.

'Maybe because he was fighting against a human his system's were limiting his fighting abilities.' Himeko thought to herself.

The same thought went through Vill-V's mind as she looked wide eyed at the robot before turning to Ciel who for some reason didn't seem that worried and grabbed a glass of juice from the soldier who she had ordered not too long ago.

"Ciel? Aren't you worried for him? I know that he has safety measures in place so that his core doesn't self-destruct but shouldn't you be worried for him?" Vill-V asked confused.

The others also turned to look at the young scientist as she was the one who usually supports and worries for Zero among Fire Moth.

"On don't worry, he's fine. Here's your juice." Ciel said as she presented the glass to her left as a hand grabbed it.

"Thanks." Zero said as he took the glass and drank the juice from it.

"Zero!" The people except for Ciel and Aponia shouted in disbelief at finding the robot standing beside them when they had just seem him being stabbed by Kalpas.

"Hold on, if you're here then who was Kalpas fighting?" Hua said confused and in disbelief as she looked towards Kalpas.

The others also looked as Kalpas also noticed Zero due to them shouting as he also looked at the downed Zero. Only for them to be surprised when that Zero started to break apart and then vanished in green light in front of them.

"What was..." Himeko said speechless from what she had just seen.

"I would explain but I have to take care of an angry child." Zero said as he finished the drink and gave the glass to Ciel.

'But isn't he the child?' The others couldn't help but think that.

"You bastard! You tricked me! I'll kill you!" Kalpas shouted as he got ready to lunge at him.

"You'll do no such thing." Zero said before he vanished in front of them and reappeared in front of Kalpas before anyone could register what happened.

"Wha—" Kalpas was shocked when he saw the robot right in front of him.

Zero has his hand open straight as he aimed the tip at his chest.

"One Inch Punch." Zero said before delivering a powerful punch to his chest.

Kalpas gasped when he felt the punch as he was lifted off the ground before he went rocketing back before he landed on the ground a few hundred metres back. But not without destroying a good amount of the landscape through which he was sent to as Zero stayed calm.

The soldiers of Moth once again have their mouths open at the display of power that Zero has shown as they are wide eyed. Iok and the other council members as well as they were shocked at the display.

Zero meanwhile looked at his right hand using which he delivered the move before he smiled.

End Chapter

That's it for this chapter.

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Reincarnated as Megaman Zero in Honkai Impact Where stories live. Discover now