32. Herrscher In Confinement

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"What is the meaning of this?!" A soldier shouted at Zero as he had reached HQ with the Herrscher.

Right now the two of them are being surrounded by MOTH soldiers as they pointed their weapons at them while the Herrscher is in his arms as she is scared at the amount of weapons pointed at their direction while Zero has a neutral face.

"I have brought the Herrscher as ordered by the leaders of MOTH." Zero said to them.

"Why is that thing alive!? It should be dead!?" Another soldier shouted as he pointed his weapon at the Herrscher.

"The Herrscher does not possess its core and so is of no threat to humanity." Zero said to them.

"We should kill her right now! Otherwise she'll cause the destruction of our base!" Another soldier said as the others agreed.

"Any attempt on her life will be defended by me. As she is a human now I have the duty to protect her." Zero said immediately as he looked at them.

"She's a Herrscher! You're supposed to kill her! And you're supposed to work for us!" The first soldier said as his trigger finger is shaking.

"My objective is the protection of humanity and as a human she is under my protection. And I don't work for you or the organisation FIRE MOTH, I work for all of humanity." Zero said to him as he noticed the man's fingers.

"Who cares about it! All of you shoot her! We can't let the Honkai win!" Another soldier shouted for all to hear.

As if that were the confirmation they needed all the soldiers open fired at the two as the Herrscher closed her eyes in fear. But then slowly opened her eyes when she didn't feel anything as she opened her eyes and looked ahead as her eyes widened.

There is a translucent round green barrier around the two of them which has blocked the bullets as they hit the ground. The soldiers at seeing it stopped shooting as some took a step back in fear. The Herrscher looked at Zero to see that he had the same expression as his gem glowed.

"Zero, the leader has given you the permission to bring the Herrscher inside." Ciel said through the comms.

"Affirmative." Zero said to her as he looked at the soldiers.

Then the door so to speak to the inside of the secret passageway to the HQ opened as the soldiers were surprised. Zero kept his shield up as he walked with the Herrscher. The soldiers weren't able to do anything as they just moved away from him as he walked past them and went through the door.

Then he got instructions to go to another room of the HQ as he brought the Herrscher with him while she is looking at the HQ as they passed some of the staff and soldiers who were surprised at his arrival but soon became intrigued when they saw the girl. They weren't able to know that she is a Herrscher because she was hiding the mark on her chest as she looked at them nervously.

Then the two reached a room where there was a cage like place and the metal door to the room was open as he stood in front of it. (A/N: Like the one in which Rin was in.)

"Put her inside there Zero." Mobius said with a smile as she walked into the room from the same doorway as the two of them.

The Herrscher saw her lab coat and knew that she is a scientist and if the women's eyes is anything to go by then whatever she is planning will not be pleasant for her.

"And the reason as to why we're putting her here? She is now fully human." Zero said to the scientist.

"Yes but we can't be to sure of that so until then she will be in this cell. Now please put her there." Mobius said to him with a smile.

"As you say doctor." Zero said with a sigh before he went inside the cell and put the girl there.

He then gave her a bracelet which confused her as she looked at him.

"Put it on your hand. In case the soldiers attack you." Zero whispered to her before he exited the cell.

The door closed as the Herrscher looked at him surprised and then at Mobius who is smiling at her which unnerved her.

"Oh I can't wait to see what makes you different from normal humans." Mobius said with a cheeshire grin.

'Yep, she's a mad scientist.' The Herrscher thought to herself disturbed by the woman's expression.

"By the way what's your name? Do tell otherwise I'll give you one." Mobius said to her.

"It's Ana. And don't you dare think about giving me a name." Ana said to her with a growl.

"Great! Then I look forward to our future projects together. And thank you for bringing her alive Zero. You deserve a reward." Mobius said with a smile before turning to look at said robot.

Then she surprised him by kissing him on his right cheek before she walked away happily. Zero just looked at the woman baffled at how brazenly she acts in front of him as he blinked his eyes.

"Ugh! She gives me the creeps." Ana said shivering a bit.

"Well, I should go meet my creator now. I will visit you when I can Ana." Zero said to her before he also left the place.

Ana looked at the door as it closed before she went and sat on the bed and sighed before she looked at the bracelet that Zero gave her. She then put the bracelet on her right forearm as it locked onto her arm as she jerked a bit in response.

"Well, this is better than nothing I guess." Ana said to herself with a sigh as she slumped on the bed.

End Chapter

That's it for this chapter and sorry it was short.

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