27. Just Orders

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"Raaaahh!" Kalpas shouted as his fist met the golems and it was powerful enough that the golems hand was destroyed.

As for Zero he sliced the hand in half before he ran on the hand of the golem and reached its face in less than a second before he sliced it in half. On Kalpas's side he also reached the golems head by this time and punched it and destroyed it's head. Then the two destroyed the rest of its body.

"How do you like that bitch!" Kalpas shouted at the Herrscher.

Her answer came in the form of dragon heads made of ice coming towards the two like a snake dragon as the two had to dodge as Zero charged his gun and destroyed the head while Kalpas shot forward and kicked it and destroyed the head.

"It's starting to get annoying!" Kalpas shouted as he growled at the Herrscher.

"I have the same sentiment." Zero said as he started to dual wield his guns.

The Herrscher started to send ice shards at them. Zero started to shoot with his guns while Kalpas would destroy the things that came near him as the Herrscher created more ice and Zero noted that the temperature is getting lower.

'The temperature is decreasing as time goes. Is she planning to bring the ice age or something?' Zero thought to himself as he did rapid fire and destroyed a large amount of shards.

"Sorry for the wait." Himeko's voice was heard by Zero through his comms as it caught his attention.

Then he saw many soldiers appearing around them a good amount of distance from them and then aiming their weapons at the Herrscher. Himeko herself also appeared in some kind of special suit as she also has a futuristic gun in her hands.

"Fire!" Himeko and the other squad leaders said in unison.

Right after that the soldiers fired bullets towards the Herrscher from all sides. The Herrscher created a barrier around her as the bullets hit it and exploded. He focused his eyes or lenses and saw that the bullets that were being used by the soldiers were emitting steam and when they impacted the shield they blew up.

'Explosive rounds the size of bullets.' Zero thought to himself as he saw it.

Though it didn't so much as the Herrscher made large ice spikes which went towards the soldiers. Seeing this Hua appeared before Himeko and then used a bazooke to destroy the large ice. Her actions were mimicked by the others as they also destroyed the spikes.

"Uhmm, Zero. We have a problem." Ciel's voice came from the comms grabbing his attention as he destroyed the last of the ice dragon.

"What is it?" Zero asked her as he looked at the Herrscher.

At the command room, the people were frantically going through the data as Ciel has a worried look on her face.

"We have detected a large number of Honkai Beasts nearing your location." Ciel said as she looked at the screen where a good number of Honkai Beasts were running towards the soldiers.

"How many?" Zero asked through the comms.

Ciel looked at Mei at that as she showed her her screen as Ciel gulped. It wasn't that the new enemies were the problem. The problem was that they were there alongside the Herrscher. But before she could relay that a warning sound came from the system catching the attention of the people there.

"Sir we have a huge problem!" A soldier said as he typed frantically at the screen.

"What is it?" The leader asked him.

"The temperature around the Herrscher is decreasing at a rapid rate and has dropped to -60 degrees and it is still going. The gear our soldiers are using will not be able to handle the cold if it were to go much lower. Their functions are already starting to freeze up." The soldier said as the data is being shown on the huge screen as the ones in the command room were getting nervous.

Reincarnated as Megaman Zero in Honkai Impact Where stories live. Discover now