17. Training and Unexpected Challenge

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Zero dashed with his Z-Saber in his hand through a city as he impaled a Ganesha before deactivating the blade and jumping high and landing on top of a Chariot and sending a shockwave which destroyed the weaker Honkai Beasts.

He then gathered energy in his right foot and rocketed forward and spun around destroying the enemies in front of him. He stopped and gathered energy and released it freezing the enemies around him as he took out his saber.

He increased the size of the blade as he quickly cut them up in a few seconds as they appeared sliced up before he shot away. After that he kept on destroying Honkai after Honkai leaving a trail of havoc and destruction behind him as he tore through the Honkai before coming to a stop.

He then looked around to find the left over parts of the Honkai Beasts lying all around the area with him in the epicenter of it as he deactivated it as it turned into its gem form in his right hand.

"Simulation complete. Field disabling." A robotic voice said from around him.

Zero watched as the buildings and his enemies turned into pixels as they disappeared to show a completely white wide room.

"That was simulation number 1069. Is that enough Zero?" Ciel's voice came from around the room.

'69? Huh, I'll take it.' Zero thought to himself mischeviously with a poker face.

"That would be enough Ciel, I'm exiting the room." Zero said out loud as he walked to the exit.

"Got it." Ciel said before cutting the transmission.

After the information was given that the 5th Herrscher might appear in the coming week Zero has been training relentlessly to make sure that he is ready. He hasn't fought against a Judgement Class Honkai yet and Herrscher's are stronger than that. He wanted to be as prepared as possible to fight against the Honkai.

It also helped that being a robot he only needed his energy core to function as he doesn't need food and water to continue functioning. He however did make Ciel take the appropriate time to rest so that she wouldn't get tired.

"You showed great results Zero." Ciel said to him with a smile.

"I just hope I am ready to fight the Herrscher, how did Fire Moth defeat the previous one's?" Zero asked her.

"Well, it wasn't actually defeat but rather a surprise attack." Ciel said to him.

"So you didn't fight head on and defeat them?" Zero asked her.

"Yes, when the first Herrscher appeared it had time to develop and understand its power's, but the other three were attacked the moment they were located which enabled us to defeat so many Herrscher's." Ciel said to him.

'I see. A newly awakened Herrscher would most likely need a bit of time to adapt to their new power. If they are caught by surprise then it might be possible.' Zero thought to himself.

"How did the fight with the First Herrscher go?" Zero asked her.

"Now well, most of our weapons had been copied by it and it was through sheer luck that we had managed to defeat it. It was then that Fire Moth was created as they realised the dangers of the Herrscher's." Ciel said to him.

"I see. Well, it seems that it is time to eat lunch so we should be on our way." Zero said to her.

"Okay." Ciel said as she walked with him in tow.

They walked silently as Zero thought about the ways in which he can fight the next Herrscher. His Nuclear Energy will give him a natural protection against the Honkai energy since they are antagonistic in nature, but it's still not a guarantee of its power.

He knows that he needs to be careful when he fights against the Herrscher, otherwise there is a good chance he might be destroyed or killed fighting it. With that thought he kept thinking to himself as he followed Ciel.

"Zero~." Elysia called out with a bright smile bringing him out of his train of thoughts.

Zero immediately stopped and looked at Elysia and his eyes widened a bit when he saw two more people standing behind her. Ciel also turned around and saw the two people behind her as she recognised them.

'Aren't these two from the shelter that was destroyed?' Ciel thought to herself as she looked at them.

"Elysia? Who are those two behind you?" Zero asked her as he looked at them.

"Oh these two are—" Elysia started but stopped when the boy with a mask to her right shot from his position towards him.

He ran faster than a normal human of his old world could as he immediately closed the distance between them. Zero's eyes widened a fraction when he saw a punch coming straight towards him from the boy.

He quickly analysed the speed and strength behind the punch and used almost the same amount of force to cancel out the blow as it created a gust of wind which blew Ciel back a bit.

"Oh my..." Elysia said with a sweat drop.

"That boy." The woman, who is dressed like a nun said softly at his behaviour.

"Calm down kid." Zero said to him as he had grabbed his hand.

In response he got a growl which caused Zero to narrow.

"Ciel, move away from my back." Zero said to her.

"Okay!" Ciel immediately complied to his order.

Zero then cancelled another punch from the boy as another gust of wind was created by it. Then in a swift move that took less than a second he tripped the boy causing him to lose balance and fall on the ground as the others were surprised.

Zero stepped back and ran away from him as the boy looked at the running robot.

"Get back here!" The boy shouted as he quickly ran after her as Ciel tried to not be blown away by the wind current created by him.

After he was out of sight, Ciel looked at the two women with a questioning look as Elysia chuckled a bit nervously while the nun sighed.

Meanwhile Zero was zipping through the HQ being chased by the boy. But Zero made sure that he was running at a speed that the boy could keep up with as he realised that the boy is incredibly violent and he doesn't want to destroy the facility.

Zero ran and got out of the base to the outskirts of the city before skidding to a stop a few hundred metres away from the City as the boy came and panted as he looked at Zero.

'Well, he's aggressive.' Zero thought to himself as he did the equivalent of cracking his knuckles.

"So, might I know the name of the one who is chasing me?" Zero asked the boy.

"The name is Kalpas, and I'm going to end you you piece of tin!" The boy said as he shot towards him.

'So the battle maniac and most violent of the Flamechasers, lovely.' Zero thought to himself as he got ready with his gem glowing as he sent a punch towards the boy as he sent one of his own.

Their fists connected and a huge dust appeared from their clash as the people in the HQ were able to feel the power.

End Chapter

That's it for this chapter.

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Reincarnated as Megaman Zero in Honkai Impact Where stories live. Discover now