35. A Punishment, Meeting and Training

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"How can you be so cruel to a beautiful girl like me?" Elysia asked him with a pout.

"I don't care if you're a beautiful girl. You broke your word and so I'm going to make sure that you get punished. Don't let the water fall down." Zero said to her seriously.

Elysia is currently standing in the horse stance with cups filled with water on her shoulders, head, knees and her hands. After Zero managed to find her he dragged her with him and then made her stand like this as punishment.

"Hey Elysia, I—" Fu Hua said as she entered the room.

Only to freeze when she saw how the two were standing. She looked at them for a few seconds with the elf and robot also looking at her.

"Fu Hua~, help me~. Zero is being mean~." Elysia said to Fu Hua as she pouted.

Fu Hua looked at the elf before looking at Zero with the robot doing the same.

"Make sure that she is properly punished." Fu Hua said to him.

"I will." Zero said to her with a nod.

"Then I will take my leave." Fu Hua said before she walked out of the room and closed the door.

'Traitor!' Elysia shouted in her mind when she saw that.

"Stand correctly!" Zero ordered when he saw her faltering a bit.

"Yes." Elysia said as she stood in the stance.

After that for the next two hours he made Elysia stand in the same stance before he finally decided that she had enough punishment. He took the cups from her before she fell on the floor as her body was trembling from standing in that stance.

"Did you really have to do that?" Elysia asked him with a pout.

"Yes." Zero said to her causing her to pout more.

Zero looked at the time and his eyes widened a bit before he turned and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Elysia asked him curiously.

"I'm going to see Ana." Zero said before he walked out of the room.

He then walked to the area where Ana was held. He walked there and stood in front of her cell as he looked at her. He saw Ana sitting at the bench in the cell. She had heard him walking inside and looked at him, he could see some relief on her face when she saw him.

"Hello Ana. How are you?" Zero asked her after greeting her while holding a box.

"I'm as fine as a prisoner of Fire Moth could be." Ana said to him with an eye roll.

"Right. Wrong thing to ask. Have they run any tests on you?" Zero asked her changing the subject.

"Yes." Ana said with a sigh.

"Was it painful?" Zero asked her.

"Not much. Since I don't have my Herrscher core I won't have the necessary strength so they don't want to go overboard and accidentally kill me, especially since I can't do anything now." Ana said to him with a shrug.

"I see. By the way, I brought you cake." Zero said as he presented the box to her.

"Cake? Why?" Ana asked him a bit surprised.

"You don't like to eat cake?" Zero asked her in response.

"No, I'm just surprised. They allowed you to bring that here." Ana asked him surprised.

"It's more like they didn't care about the fact that I was bringing you cake but you get the picture." Zero said to her with a smile.

"I see." Ana said with a nod.

Zero then opened the door and walked in with the cake. The guard tried to stop him but one glare from him was more than enough to silence him as he walked inside and placed the cake on the bed.

"Do you want to talk?" Zero asked her with a small smile.

"No." Ana said with a shake of her head.

'I am still so confused by all of this.' Ana thought to herself as she looked at him.

"Alright, if you don't want to then I won't force you. When you are ready to talk, as can talk." Zero said to her with a smile.

"Thanks." Ana said with a nod.

Zero nodded back before he exited the cell and went on his way. He went to the training area and started a simulation before he attacked the enemies that appeared in front of him.

He used some Kenjutsu, Krave Maja, Karate, Western swordsmanship and other martial arts alongside his nuclear energy to fight and destroy the enemies. He wanted to get more familiar with his new body and fighting like this is the only way to do that.

He kicked a Chariot and destroyed it as it ended the simulation. He sighed to himself as he looked at his hands and clenched it. He exited the room and walked around thinking about what to do.

'Should I go to Mobius's lab?' Zero thought to himself as he walked.

But he stopped walking when he spotted Himeko appearing in the hallway. She also spotted him and was a bit surprised at seeing him but she smiled and made her way to him.

"Hey Zero, how are you doing?" Himeko asked him with a smile.

"I'm doing fine. I had just finished a simulation." Zero said to her seriously.

"I see. What are you planning to do now?" Himeko asked him curiously.

"I don't particularly have any idea. I am a robot made to protect humanity against the Honkai. Since I haven't been deployed I don't have much to do." Zero said to her with a shrug.

"I see. I know, can you accompany me to the bar?" Himeko asked him with a smile.

"Why the bar?" Zero asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I want someone with me if I were to get too drunk. I don't usually have enough free time to drink." Himeko said to him with a smile.

"Drinking alcohol won't be good for your health. Sure the advancement in science allows for more medical assistance but the consumption of alcohol is still a bad thing for the human body." Zero said to her seriously.

"Please don't say that. I just want to enjoy my life. Especially since I don't know when I will die." Himeko said before whispering the last part.

Zero looked at her when he heard that as he could clearly hear her.

"Hey, it's my job to protect you so I won't let you die." Zero said to her seriously.

Himeko looked at him surprised at his words as her eyes widened. She then chuckled a bit before looking at him fondly.

"Thanks Zero. Can you please accompany me?" Himeko asked him with a smile.

"Sure. I will accompany you and make sure that you won't drink too much." Zero said to her with a shrug.

"Great. Let's go then." Himeko said with a smile as she grabbed his hand.

She then walked forward being followed by Zero as she pulled him with her as they went through the facility.

Reincarnated as Megaman Zero in Honkai Impact Where stories live. Discover now