30. Defeat of the Lawman

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Both fighters immediately shortened the distance between them and the Herrscher as the Herrscher created huge ice spikes which went towards the two boys. But they were promptly destroyed by the two of them as they dashed towards the Herrscher.

The Herrscher screamed and started to throw spikes after spikes of ice at them. Zero slashed them apart while Kalpas punched and kicked to destroy them. The two of the shortened the distance and we're about to reach her but then a large block of ice appeared under them.

Kalpas was taken off guard and the ice pushed him towards the sky. While Zero kicked the ground and destroyed the part of the ice which came towards him before he sent a kick towards the Herrscher.

This time however the Herrscher punched back with ice covering her fist as both attacks met and created an explosion which sent the two of them back. But Kalpas then dive bombed towards the Herrscher with his fist reeled back.

"This is for tricking me bitch!" Kalpas shouted as he punched her.

The punch sent her to the ground as the ground cracked as she screamed in pain with more cracks appearing on her face and new cracks appearing all over her body. The Herrscher then swiped her hand in front of her and ice hit Kalpas again sending him to the side.

Only for Zero to appear with his Sabers as he then expertly cut through the ice that she used to stop him before his blades were stopped by a very large ice shield. But he wasn't having it this time as he covered his feet in Nuclear Energy and then kicked and destroyed the shield.

But his eyes widened when he saw very sharp and pointy tipped ice in the shape of a needle, which were great in number, pointing it him as the Herrscher attacked with them. Zero immediately covered his body in Nuclear Energy before sending a wave of the energy outwards which cracked the ice before destroying the needles.

Then Kalpas appeared and punched the Herrscher only for him to he grabbed by a giant hand of ice before ice encased him. And as for Zero a giant ice hand also came for him but he cut it up but then two smaller ones came and grabbed both of his arms causing him to be surprised.

But then he was pulled to the ground and encased in ice as well as she used a lot of her energy on the two of them. After that the Herrscher took deep breaths or the sound can be heard due to the state of its face. But then her face looked up when cracks started to appear on the two ice that was used to encase them.

She immediately flew away as Zero's was destroyed first before being followed by Kalpas. The two then dashed towards the Herrscher and she retaliated again.

"Zero, you have to defeat the Herrscher fast. The temperature around the area is decreasing and the other area's are following behind it." Ciel's voice said from the comms.

"Got it." Zero said as he turned both swords into crystals on his arms.

He then gathered Nuclear energy in his hands and gathered them in between them as he the large amounts of energy he is using causes the Herrscher to look at him.

But Kalpas attacked her causing her to turn her attention to him as she attacked him in return. Then he grabbed him again with a giant ice hand before she started to slam in repeatedly on the ground again and again.

The Herrscher then looked at Zero who in the meantime was done charging up as he sent the gathered energy in a large beam that went straight towards the Herrscher. The Herrscher created a shield which managed to block the attack for a few seconds before it broke away before it engulfed her.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" The Herrscher screamed in pain from the attack before an explosion followed it.

The ice hands that were slamming Kalpas on the ground stopped and were broken apart by him as he roared in anger. Then he looked at the explosion before he jumped and landed beside Zero.

"You took care of her instead of helping me." Kalpas said to him a bit irritated.

"I took care of her and helped you." Zero said to him with a smirk.

"Well let's..." Kalpas said before stopping as the place where the Herrscher was exploded with ice.

"It's still not down." Zero said shocked.

'Just how strong were the Herrscher's of the PE Era? I'll have to defeat her now.' Zero said as he started to gather energy.

"Nuclear Core overload." Zero said as he got ready.

In response to his words his core started to create vast amounts of Nuclear Energy that could not be contained in his body. But that was exactly what he wanted as he created his Sabers into his hands and channeled the energy into them forming the blades.

'The amount of energy I'm using will be too much for just one of each of them.' Zero thought to himself.

"What are you doing?" Kalpas asked as he saw the amount of energy he is using.

"Using everything I have." Zero said as he raised both of his Sabers over his head.

Then he controlled them and made them merge with eachother as he made sure that it was stable as their combined strength gave them enough durability to channel that much energy. The newly formed hilt formed a large blade as his eyes and gem glowed and his body also started to give a light green hue.

"Raaaaahhhh!" The Herrscher roared in anger as she broke the ice and froze the ground.

She now sported cracks all over her body as she is also staggering a bit. However the Honkai energy that is radiating from her was large as her eyes glowed and her cape fluttered.

Zero's eyes glowed and the energy blade turned into fire as it rose into the sky and pierced the clouds as Kalpas looked at the sight in shock. In the command room it was the same as they looked at the display with wide eyes.

"Take this Herrscher. The flames of the Fire Giant that brought down the home of the Gods!" Zero said as he took a step forward as fire danced around him.

Kalpas had to jump away as the ground around Zero started to melt from the heat. The Herrscher in response gathered her powers as air turned cold as she got covered in Honkai energy as her eyes glowed.

"Die tool of humanity!" The Herrscher roared as she sent all of the energy towards him.

"Sword of Surtr!" Zero yelled as he brought the flaming sword down and slashed and sent the flames roaring towards her as it destroyed and melted the ground.

Both attacks met but to the Herrscher's surprise Zero's attack was larger and stronger and eclipsed her gathered power and engulped it before reaching her and engulfing her as well before ending in a gigantic explosion which melted and destroyed the ground around her as great winds were caused due to it.

"The hell." Kalpas said as he saw the destruction.

Zero deactivated his handle as the both of them became gems again as he panted a bit from the use of such a great amount of energy as his core is also a bit more heated due to it.

'If this were my old body then the core wouldn't have been able to handle making so much energy. On top of that my body might not have been able to channel so much energy as well. Not to mention the need to use two sabers and merging them into one.' Zero thought to himself as he looked at the smoke.

The smoke took a few minutes to go away as he saw the Herrscher on the ground in between the now black and charred land. Her cape is gone and the covering has also gone as she is in human colour with white hair as well. She has her eyes closed as he looked at her.

"Zero. The mission is complete. The Herrscher has been defeated." Zero said through the comms as he looked at the form of the girl.

End Chapter

That's it for this chapter.

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