15. First Bond

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Hey guys, just have to say that I just looked at the rankings and was shocked when I saw it.

#1 in Megaman
#1 in Honkai
#1 in Megaman Zero

I was quite surprised by it but it's a welcome surprise. Thanks for the support and helping my story!

Squad V along with Zero boarded the flying vehicle and were on their way to base. While Zero could just fly back he was told by Ciel to go with them so that he could get closer to them which he complied with. He knew that he has to have more human allies, though it is looking quite difficult.

Currently he is seated at the end of the seat to the left of Himeko with Hua to the leader's right. The squad members were looking at him wearily as they saw how he managed to fight against the powerful Honkai while they struggled. Hua was meanwhile just frustrated that she isn't as strong as Zero while Himeko was thinking about how to strike a conversation with him since the last one was him complimenting her.

"So Captain Himeko, what kind of missions have you been doing this past week?" Zero asked her as he was curious.

"Oh, well, my squad has mostly been sent to places to fight against the Honkai. This area however had more than we had thought, if you hadn't come to our rescue we might not have survived. So thanks Zero." Himeko said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Zero said with a smile of his own.

Her squad looked at the interaction curiously, more-so Hua since she looks up to her leader.

"Have the two of you met before?" Hua asked them.

"Not explicitly, when I was first introduced Captain Himeko happened to be present so we had a small talk." Zero said to her.

Himeko blushed a bit when she remembered the last words but quickly controlled herself so no one was able to see her change in expression. Then she remembered how Zero had fought against the Honkai and turned and looked at him.

"By the way Zero, you copied the techniques of the Parvati and Flame Emperor, how did you do that?" Himeko asked curiously.

The others were also looking at him when they heard her. The pilots were recording the conversation between them which Zero had noticed.

"It's part of my abilities. As long as I have the field data, I can copy almost anything." Zero said to her not going into detail about it.

"I see." Himeko said satisfied with the answer.

But the others weren't as they wanted to get more information about his abilities. Ciel had only given a basic list of abilities and not too detailed about them so the people are trying to get as much information about him as they can.

"But can you tell us in detail about how you do it?" A pilot asked him.

"The same way the computers collect information and how you use that information to analyse your enemies and create appropriate weapons." Zero said to them with closed eyes.

'He's purposefully avoiding the answer.' A member of Himeko's squad thought to themselves with it being mirrored by most of the others.

Himeko, seeing that he doesn't want to talk about his abilities thought about what else to ask him. Then she remembered the new saber he had used in the fight.

"What about the new saber that you used, it's quite different than before." Himeko said to him.

"Yes, because it can be utilised like this." Zero said as he showed the back of his hand which has the green gem.

The others looked at it curiously before getting surprised when they saw the gem become the sword hilt. The pilots were happy when they saw it as they got footage for it, unknown to them that the recorder was having difficulties which they didn't know about.

"This is my new saber, it's called the Z-Saber for convenience and it has a much more refined energy blade." Zero said activating its blade.

Himeko looked at the defined energy blade which also has lines and a clear form to it unlike usual energy weapons which have its energy in a wave like form.

"Wow, nanotechnology and a much more refined energy control." Himeko said with an awed look.

"Amazed aren't you? This is the best weapon in my arsenal and I don't think it is going to be replaced anytime soon." Zero said as the sword became a gem again.

"Did Dr. Ciel make this?" Himeko asked him curiously.

"In a way she did." Zero said not divulging much.

"Hmm, despite being an energy scientist she shows remarkable feats in the mechanical fields as well." Himeko said to him.

"Of course, she is a brilliant scientist but mostly on those which involves energy." Zero said agreeing with the Captain.

After that the two did small talk with each other in front of the other members as they made their way to the base. But it was clear that the robot and human have created a bond of trust between each other to the humans present.

Zero's first bond with a human has been created.

End Chapter

That's it for this chapter. Please leave a vote and comment and keep on supporting my book.

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