6. Stupid-Ass Decision

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"You're refusing an order." The female council member said dumbfounded.

(I will just go with council now.)

"Yes. I am refusing an order." Zero said firmly.

"You aren't allowed to refuse an order made by human's." The man who started this said as he stood up.

"If you hadn't noticed, the third law states that if the order given by a human is something which threatens the existence of a robot, we can protect ourselves." Zero said to him.

"Are you saying that you're rebelling against us?" A male councilman said to him.

'When did it get to this?' Ciel thought to herself in panic.

"No. I am merely stating a fact." Zero said calmly.

The council were surprised by his attitude. Never have a robot that was created by human's have ever refused an order from them. Even if it was to be shut down they would obey. Therefore the thought that a robot now has enough power of its own to refuse a direct order. That was something they have never thought to have happened.

"This is a direct order from the council of Fire Moth! We are your Master's! Do you not understand!" The first councilman shouted as he slammed his hands on the table as he glared at Zero.

'Heh! So he is just a man who wants to assert his position and power.' Zero thought to himself as he looked at the man with eyes of pity before they became serious again.

"I have recognised that the council has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid-ass decision I've elected to ignore it." Zero said without missing a beat.

"Pfffft!" The council members who were drinking some water spit it out at her words.

Those who didn't looked at him with dumbfounded eyes. Even Himeko has her mouth open at his words. Not to mention Ciel who whipped her head to look at him so fast Zero was worried that she might break her neck.

"You damn piece of junk! Who are you to call us stupid." The first councilman shouted in anger at it.

As far as he is concerned it was nothing more than a piece of metal which has a computer in it. An artificial being which can only mimic an original being like humans.

"How did this idiot become a council member again?" Zero asked Ciel who looked like she had just been stabbed through the heart.

"Pft!" Himeko covered her mouth as her body shook a bit.

The other council members were shocked that the robot openly insulted a member of the council. Mobius and Mei were very shocked at how HUMAN Zero is acting. And that is for a robot which had just been awakened.

And as for Zero himself? He has been irritated with the council ever since they thought about shutting him down. So he took advantage of the fact that since he is a newly awakened robot he shouldn't know about things like tact which he is using right now. Not to mention the fact that none of the council members could even hope to hurt him with his body. And as an added bonus he managed to say that infamous line, and he felt damn good about it.

"Ciel! Is this how you have created this robot! To defy and insult humans!" The councilman shouted and knowing he can't actually do anything to the robot he decided to turn his anger on its creator.

"N-No sir. Zero has been feeded with data on behaviour and such. He is able to feel human emotions as well. I never taught him to do this." Ciel said to him.

"So you're saying that what the robot is saying is true?" Mobius asked the girl.

"I, uh,.." Ciel started but stopped midway as she didn't know what to say.

The councilman is fuming at the amount of disrespect he being shown by the robot. And as Zero's creator he didn't like Ciel as well. The only reason she is here and her project is being funded was because of her being an energy scientist, even though they have bounds of energy.

The other council members looked at his behaviour and shared a glance with eachother. He is a main funder for the organisation which he had used as a means to get into the council and be in a position of power. And as the council member of Fire Moth he now possesses the ultimate authority in the world second only to the head.

"Regardless of how you see me. My goals are the same, protect humanity and fight the Honkai. That's my mission and I intend to fulfill it." Zero said to the people gathered there.

The councilman thought to themselves at that. While they are wary of Zero they can't deny that he is a valuable asset to them and they could use him in the fight. Not to mention, if Zero were to escape if he realised that they intend to shut him down then they would lose a powerful pawn to use against the Honkai.

"Alright then Zero. I will allow you to keep on working." The head councilman said to him.

"What!" The angry man said shocked.

The other council members were also looking a him as well.

"However, Dr. Ciel, you are not allowed to create a new robot and is only allowed to continue her research in energy." The council head said to her.

"Eh, uh, okay sir." Ciel said not wanting to antagonise the head of the Fire Moth council.

"Good. Then that is all for this gathering and this meeting has no further use. Dismissed." The head said before he stood up from his seat.

The other council members also got up from their seats and walked out of the room. Those that walked past Zero and Ciel looked at them while Zero has a serious face as he looked them straight in the eye causing then to avert their eyes. The angry councilman just glared at the two as he went away.

After the councilman and most of the scientists left, the only one left in the room were Zero, Ciel, Mobius, Mei and Himeko. Zero regarded the females as they looked at him.

End Chapter

That's it for this chapter.

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