the witchling fairy and his prince charming AU?

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Ok, so... As the title says, this is an alternate universe version of the fanfic "the witching fairy and his prince charming" by steloiv on Archive of Our Own where Damien has officially had enough of all his intrusive thoughts about his guilt, jealousy, and the rest of his problems, I suppose, so I OBVIOUSLY do NOT own that fanfic. I just wanted to see what it would be like if all his inner thoughts actually caught up to him and how they would literally destroy him. If this causes copyright issues, just tell me, and I'll take it down if I must. Also, y'all should read the original fanfic since it's at least 100x better than whatever I cooked up down below... Here's the link to that fanfic: 


Damien did try his best to read through the books. He truly did, to be candid. However, as Damien persevered through one of the romance novels, each word he read left him increasingly more uncomfortable than the last. He felt quite queasy as if he was going to throw up, right at that very moment. After all, the story was about some magical entity cursing a princess because they were envious of them and their beauty, fortune, the fact that they were (seemingly) automatically set to marry their love interest as depicted in the story, etc. It was merely a stereotype, at least that's what Damien wanted to say. But, that may very well be akin to his situation currently, as much as Damien desired to deny that with all his might. For he felt his heart twist and turn in such unbearable ways with each romantic moment between Monica and Will. And his parents were also still perpetuating their belligerent concepts and plans of vindication, torture, and war due to their adversarial relationship with the humans, weren't they? Just like the witches in Monica's books? With each passing thought regarding his dilemma, he felt the monster residing inside of him getting larger. It was quite unbearable, indeed. So much so, that he heard a shattering sound from within him.

William and Monica suddenly heard a bloodcurdling shriek from their position(s) on the outskirts. They reeled back their horse to a halt and turned their heads to the very source of the scream. Huh... That sounded like... Damien! Will thought. "Aaaah! Damien must have finally reached the truly juicy and intriguing parts of the plot; perhaps he has even reached the climax! Ah, yes, I know exactly how he feels right now! He truly is fortunate that I lent him my ever-so-wonderful novels! It looks like I have exquisite taste in terms of book recommendations after all, ohohohohoho! " Monica squealed and laughed her haughty laugh once anew. However, William, being skeptical, shook his head. "Mmmh... I'm not so sure about that, Monica. That kind of sounded like something else..." Will argued as he had a sinking suspicion that there was more to the scenario than Damien simply getting ecstatic and worked up over some sappy love scene as Monica most typically would. That there was an underlying, internal conflict that Damien is tackling. Something he could not quite place his hand on quite yet. "Anyways, I'm going to go investigate," Will notified Monica as he fell off the horse on his way to Damien's spot by the tree. "Huh? Hey, wait a minute! Be careful, Will!" Monica chastised, as she chased after him.

Unfortunately, by the time they finally made it to the tree, they saw that Damien was already gone. What a shame, Damien made a vow that they would all head back. Together. Before Will could react, though, he heard another shriek right beside him this time. Will turned to find an infuriated Monica looking down at a now crumpled and disheveled romance novel of hers. "Ugh! Why the heck did Damien smash my book against the ground?!" Monica shouted out, "I quite frankly got this from the library, and I said I would want to read this whenever I got bored! So why would he subject such a precious novel to such horrendous treatment?! I mean, just look at it! It's all covered in dirt and grass now! What audacious behavior from him!" Will grimaced and gulped once he saw the dirtied rumple of a novel, and he felt sympathy for Monica. However, the state of the novel also served to amplify his concern for Damien. Although Damien was peculiar sometimes and frequently called Will an idiot, as well as going at every opportunity to chastise him for how utterly inane he was in that caustic voice of his, he would never lash out like that! It was abnormal, and it was quite out of character, as well, might he add. And prior to Will and Monica riding their horse, Damien may have remarked he was feeling a tad bit staid, but... That being said, Will decided to calm Monica down on behalf of Damien, for she could be quite the fright when she's indignant. "Ah, Monica?" Will started. Monica turned to him questioningly. "Please don't be mad at Damien. Sure, throwing that romance novel like that was a little bit far, blunt, and even gratuitous of him... But, I think something in that book must have triggered something in him or something. I'm not completely sure how or why, but I somehow just know that something in there must have provoked him into acting out. So please, don't blame him!" Will pleaded with Monica. Monica's enraged expression contorted into one of slightly more understanding and remorse. "Ok, I suppose you could have possibly assessed the situation correctly, Will," Monica replied, "After all, I noticed that Damien has been a bit under the weather, as well. But I can't completely comprehend this. What in this romance novel could possibly trigger or provoke such an out-of-the-blue response from Damien?" Will sighed. "Ah, yes... As I said, I don't know. Though I do think it is on the tip of my tongue." Will pondered over the contents of the book for a few mere seconds before ultimately opting to push himself to analyze the book later to attempt to approach the very roots of Damien's dire predicament, despite the action of comprehending books not being his forte and causing disgust in him, which was why he generally preferred to avoid those romance books Monica would always fawn over for reasons Will could not even begin to fathom. But for now, they needed to search for him. And so, he confided his stance with Monica, "Ah, you know what? Let's go seek Damien first. Then we can figure everything out afterward." Monica nodded, and then they initiated their search.

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