Incorrect Quote 45?

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*This would take place pre-canon...!*

Monica: W-Will...! I don't believe for even a SECOND that "Wumbo" could POSSIBLY be a real word...! 

William: Ah, come ooon. You know, I "Wumbo", you "Wumbo", he/she/me "Wumbo". "Wumbo", "Wumboing"...

Damien: ... I wonder if a fall from this height would be enough to kill me...

William: ... "Wumbology", the study of "Wumbo" - it's first grade, Monica! 

Monica: Will, I sincerely apologize for doubting you; I could only hope that you would find it within your heart to forgive me for making such a HORRENDOUS mistake...!

Damien: *He rolls his eyes in annoyance*

(Lol, I don't know...! I don't know if I made this, specifically Monica, FANCY enough...!)

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