Wedding Preparations

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*This takes place post-timeskip*

Once upon a time, William was getting himself ready for his wedding with Monica, his beloved fiancé since it is their duty to get married. Unfortunately, William is an utter disaster, so he had to go to Damien, his best friend, for help and to ask him to be his best man in marriage. William then searched for Damien throughout all the halls and rooms of the castle and wondered where in the world he could possibly be when he finally spotted Damien at the end of a dark corridor, standing there alone. William beamed in happiness, "Damien! I've been searching for you everywhere!" However, Damien didn't react. He did not even move a muscle. This nonplussed William greatly, so he slowly approached Damien, ignoring the tension that may or may not have surrounded them both at the moment, while informing him, "Ah, listen, Damien. So, uhh, today's the day of my big wedding with Monica, and you know how much of a klutz I am. That's why I was wondering if you could possibly help me prepare..." Still nothing from the man in question. William tapped Damien on his shoulder a couple times and asked, "Ah, Damien?" Damien slowly turned around to face William, and the latter gasped in horror at what he witnessed. Damien's stomach has been sliced open, revealing his bright red insides as blood dripped from the corners of his mouth. "Will, you idiot," Damien began in a caustic, but also completely monotone voice that chilled William to the bone, "Can't you remember? You watched me die. Many. Years. Ago."

William gasped. What Damien just told him brought him back to the moment his father ordered the guards to strap Damien to an intestinal crank in the middle of the town square in order to disembowel him. William remembered how the guards would draw out Damien's innards as if they were mere sausages...

William woke up and sobbed his eyes out in despair over his best friend's death and in guilt over not doing more to save Damien...

(I made this because I saw crabbeegays ' edit on instagram about Dani(ela) killing Dorian and Monica grieving his death, which included that one panel from Dani(ela)'s dream of Dorian telling her that he's dead, so I wanted to make a DAMIEN version of Dorian's death, and WILLIAM would have a nightmare about that, along with his many nightmares about failing his duties and letting everybody down...!)

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