Incorrect Quote 47?

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*This takes place in the 3-month timeskip, before the huge 3-year timeskip*

Dorian: *He takes out his anger on Damien for being a coward who abandoned him and Dani(ela) when they were all younger by physically beating him against the wall with his own two hands*

Dani(ela): *She watches this with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she also felt quite upset with Damien for the same reasons that Dorian despised him for. But on the other hand, she pitied her weak elder brother, who's unable to even properly fight back against her or her brother's attacks. Whether their attacks were from magic or from pure brute strength, Damien was no match against them... So she turned to her spirit-possessed cat* Spirit, end his suffering.

Spirit: *It smirks* Heh. Sure thing. 

Damien: *Suddenly, he coughed up a copious amount of blood and collapsed against the wall behind him, and the light left his eyes...*

Dorian: *He blankly blinks down at the corpse beneath him, turns to his sister, and stares at her in shock* Dani, what did you do that for?? I wasn't even done with him, yet!!

Dani(ela): *She retorts back about how PUMMELING their dead-beat brother isn't going to actually HELP anybody and about how they have other more important tasks to complete than this (like perhaps finding Prince William, or doing anything else that could help solve the witches vs non-magical people conflict...?)...*

(This could be like a parallel to/of what Damien's parents did to him on Christmas/his birthday in one of his loops cause you know, like parents - like children...! And maybe Dani(ela) could've blown up Damien's heart herself instead of having the evil spirit do it for her here cause she's most likely powerful enough to do that in this AU and maybe even in the canon Webtoon...! But I  figured it would still be cool to incorporate the evil spirit here, and maybe Dani(ela) would've felt bad crushing Damien's heart herself in that moment...! Oh, and I'ma play that song over this scene here...!)

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