Some meme 11???

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This is literally how Damien would feel around William. What, because William would literally be the first person to treat Damien as if he's an ACTUAL human and not as a fucking ANIMAL ever since that incident that sent Angela to the stake? And William would be one of the only people who'd give two shits about Damien ever since that incident, since everybody else is either just mentally and physically abusing him or just enabling that abuse in general. So yeah, I bet these non-magical kid bullies would beat Damien up and leave Damien to drown in a river, but then William finds him unconscious in that river and goes to rescue him. Ever since the moment William rescued him, Damien would feel like he owes his entire life to William, especially when William accepted Damien for his identity as a witch, causing Damien to become emotionally dependent on William and extra protective of him, not that Damien would admit all that to William unless he really needed to...! But yeah, it would've been funny if Damien killed himself over and over again just to help William win back Monica at some point because he knows how important fulfilling his royal duties with Monica is for William, and he'd do anything to himself if it makes William happy...! Or Damien could commit suicide whenever William makes a tiny mistake so he could travel back in time and help stop William from making that mistake in the first place...! Anyways, Damien's love for William goes beyond platonic and/or romantic love in this AU; it's just pure... LOVE!

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