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I also head-canon that Damien has REALLY bad eyesight for one of his eyes...! I mean, he'd do perfectly fine on an eye test with both his eyes, of course. But if he could only rely on his left eye, he'd get everything wrong...! So it'd be cool if Angela, knowing this information, just calmly stabbed his right eye out with the sword she stole from William if Damien truly is turning out to be a thorn in her revenge plans and/or to keep him in line...! It would be cool if she could also stab his right eye out to force him into taking his place as the King of Witches, but I don't know if that would work as blackmail if Damien has already gone through enough pain and torture from his parents to just get used to it, or something... Plus, I want to make Damien hate himself to the point where he scars himself, so I don't know if stabbing his right eye out would do much if he already hurts himself on a daily basis; his classmates and maybe even former playmates have probably done at least that much to him already, but stabbing Damien's eye(s) out DOES seem like a entertaining idea...!

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