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I headcanon Damien's birthday to be around December 24th or December 25th. Why? Because I want to make it so Damien's parents somehow got by without telling him when his birthday was, or anything to do with birthdays, really. I mean, Damien's parents would still celebrate each other's birthdays and Dani(ela) and Dorian's birthdays, but they would exclude Damien from those events and keep it all a secret from Damien. And Damien's fancy school for elite witches wouldn't even have books or any form of information about what birthdays are, either, let alone allow their students to celebrate them... But fortunately, Damien would at least still get to celebrate CHRISTMAS with his family...! So one day, during a Christmas meal, Damien would get into a heated argument with his parents about their plans of revenge and kidnapping the non-magical people, including Prince William. Yeah, THAT argument. That leads to Damien trying to run away from home, but then Hans slices his legs off with his magic and uses that as a chance to blackmail Damien to fulfill all his revenge duties and interrogate him on what he knows about Prince William and all the other non-magical royals. Whenever Damien doesn't give satisfactory responses, and Damien doesn't give any for the entire interrogation, Hans would use his magic to boil his blood from the inside out, while harshly kicking him, and would use healing magic to prolong the torture. However, Angela blows up Damien's brain with her magic, much to Hans' shock. Hans proceeds to complain about how Angela pampers/spoils Damien too much, to which Angela just replies that it's Damien's birthday, or WAS Damien's birthday, that day, so that is why she was going so easy on him. So yeah, Damien gets MURDERED by his parents on Christmas AND on his birthday at the same time, and he never gets to find out that it was his birthday before he dies, lol!

Also, that video above helped me come up with this...

Oh, and Merry Christmas Eve, everybody!! 😊🎄🎅 And happy headcanon birthday to Damien!!

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