Incorrect Quote 49?

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*This takes place when Damien is around 4 years old chronologically and physically, and this is also sometime before he meets William...*

Damien: *He was feeling quite alone in his large mansion, and he couldn't really stand the tension that enveloped the entire family. Sure, he had his baby siblings, Dani(ela) and Dorian, but playing with them may have gotten a little... old for him... Besides, they were always stuck with each other wherever they wandered to in the house, protected by their little bubble of innocence, so he may or may not feel a little left out of their little shenanigans a tad bit... So, in order to get something to keep him company and to reduce the tension in the mansion, even by a tiny bit, he walked up to his parents' office and stood by the doorway. He was shaking because deep down, he knew his parents would say, "no" in some way, shape, or form. But he still had to try... Right...? So he steeled his nerves, gulped to himself, and entered the room* Mom, dad...?

Angela: *She continues sipping her tea. The smoke could still be seen coming off of her...*

Hans: *He looks up from his newspaper to turn and glare at his eldest son* Ugh, what is it, you fucking runt?!

Damien: *He gulps again* ... M-may I g-get a-a p-pet c-c-c-cat...? 

Angela: *She finally looks up from her tea* Oh, dear son. We already have one.

Damien: *He blinks in conclusion* W-what do you mean we already have a cat...? *He turns his head around the room* W-where is it, then?

Hans: *He quickly strides up to Damien* Right here. *And before Damien could process what he said, yet, he shoves a bowl of cat food down Damien's throat. He then pulls out a magical whip he stores in his pocket and whips Damien with it until Damien finally goes unconscious...*

*A few days later, Damien's parents finally DO get a pet kitty, but it was exclusively for Damien's younger siblings, and they end up treating the kitten with more love than they ever gave and WILL give Damien for all eternity... Cause yeah, this would obviously take place before the family gets Minino, but I don't know WHEN they would get Minino; soon after Dani(ela) and Dorian are born, or what? Since I don't think I saw Minino anywhere when Damien was still the only child in his family...*

*I stole the script from one of moochihehe's videos on Instagram about a child asking their parents if they can get a pet, but then their parents tell them that they already have one, and then proceed to point at them and laugh, or something...! I can't find it right now, though...*

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