Incorrect Quote 40?

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*This is what should've happened as soon as Damien was born...*

The Soothsayer: *They predict that Damien is somehow going to get Angela sent to the stake in four years (I don't know how exactly they'll say/EXPRESS that, though...)...*

Hans: *He grabs the baby Damien and throws him into the wall, getting baby Damien blood, baby Damien brains, baby Damien intestines, baby Damien heart, and shattered baby Damien bones all over himself, the Soothsayer, and his wife...*

*AKA Hans with baby Damien: *

(Well, THAT'S one way to solve all the problems in Hooky, am I right?? JK, JK

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(Well, THAT'S one way to solve all the problems in Hooky, am I right?? JK, JK...!!)

(Looper) Old Man LoreWhere stories live. Discover now