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Ok, so I headcanon that whenever Damien is angry at himself, or anyone else, he just takes all that anger on himself. Like, if someone does or says something to make him angry, he'll take a deep breath in and out several times to calm himself and hope that his anger for them goes away. If it does, then good, he can continue to interact with them normally now. If not, he'll bury his anger within him while he's still with the person/people who made him angry in the first place. When he's finally alone, he'll briskly strut back to his room, lock the door, and then self-harm as usual; he could slap/smack himself, stab himself, bite himself, cut himself, punch himself, etc!

Ooh! Maybe someday, when Damien finds out about how William's father was the one who sent his mother to the stake, he may be quite livid with William at first since he could think that it was William's family's fault that Damien's family was in shambles, that Damien's father constantly mercilessly beaten him until he perished, while the rest of his family didn't even do anything to help save him, that Damien was trapped in an eternal time-loop of abuse...! But then he thinks about everything William has done for him; how he saved Damien from drowning, how he accepted Damien for who he was, how he was a true friend to Damien, how he was one of the only people who genuinely cared about Damien to that extent in this damned world at that point, etc. He'd most likely feel guilty about being mad at William when William was merely a toddler when the incident happened and for reducing William to what his father has done when William didn't even possess any ill-intent at all... Then he'll lock himself up in his room and punish himself for blaming William when it was DAMIEN's own fault in the first place for being unable to control his magic like a NORMAL witch was supposed to by slamming his head against the cold, hard wall (hoping William wouldn't think he was crazy when he found his corpse, not that it mattered since by the time his corpse IS found, he'll already have moved on to the next loop) until his skull cracks open like an egg and all the "egg-yolk" comes pouring out of Damien's head, just like any/all the remaining rage he may still feel against William at the moment... So by the time William confides with Damien on his father's role for the incident on the stake, Damien would have already forgiven him since he already released all of his fury regarding the situation a while ago...

Also, this song kind of reminds me of Damien self-harming to quell his anger...!

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