Incorrect Quote 14?

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Here's a Samien date ~ ! 😍 This would take place when Damien's 17 (100+ MENTALLY), the siren's 18, and the waiter's whatever age HE would be before the 3-year time-skip...!*

Damien: *He blinks repeatedly* (I tried to get the waiter's attention by blinking in morse code.)

Siren: Why are you blinking so much?

Damien: I've got something in my eye!

Siren: *She sharpens her claws and slowly brings them to Damien's face* Here, let me get it out!

Damien: No, thank you! I don't wanna die!

Waiter (Amir's the waiter 😈): Bonjour, sir was blinking at me. Is this because your date is a FREAK?

Siren: ...

Damien: ...

Damien: No. 

Waiter: Very good, then. Bon appetit! *He leaves them to their couple shenanigans*

(Next part will be the same thing, but WILLIAM is the waiter...! 😈)

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