Hide and Seek

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Awww, they're such kyuute wittle ANIMALS!! I genuinely hope Damien gets knocked out from crashing his head against those stacked barrels in a game of hide and seek after accidentally cursing William into a rat and getting an Anne jumpscare...! Soon after, Anne, Amir, (maybe Aisha? But she'd be a HUGE obstacle in what I'm planning for Damien next...!), Ivy, and Monica would gather around Damien's unconscious body, trying to figure out what to do with him and where William went. Then Ivy would find William in his rat form since he did not manage to hide in time in this loop and a wand next to Damien and somehow connect the dots that Damien is a WITCH!! That leads Ivy, along with Anne, to take the opportunity to drag Damien across the grass until they get to a tree. Anne pulls out a rope that she very CONVENIENTLY had with her, wraps it tightly around Damien's neck, and hangs him up the tree; they don't even bother to check for his pulse. Monica would get the impression that what Anne and Ivy are doing is wrong, so she would try to stop them a little bit, but not too much because she would still be quite frightened of witches at the time and would deep down wish that the "threat" that is Damien gets eliminated, as well... I don't know what Amir would do in this situation; maybe he'd try to stop them, too, but I'm not sure of what his stance on witches would be here, either... So depending on his opinion on witches, perhaps he wouldn't have tried as hard to stop Anne or Ivy, either? Or perhaps they would overpower him, unless Aisha was with them? But I'm not sure if Aisha would actually want to stop them, either... As for William, he would attempt to rescue Damien by biting Ivy and Anne's hands to get them to let go, but he wouldn't bite them too hard since Ivy is his cousin and Anne is their friend, so he wouldn't want to harm them too much... Unfortunately, that did not work; Damien ends up getting strung up that tree, and everybody who arrives at the scene later get tricked into thinking Damien committed suicide? And William wouldn't be able to tell anybody the truth since he'd be stuck in his rat form until a cure is found for him? But even if/when a cure is found, nobody would believe him since he does not have proof, and it would not help if Aisha, Amir, and Monica weren't willing to tell the truth? And who knows if either of them would also expose Damien's identity as a witch? Maybe? And so, William would be stuck with the memory/knowledge and guilt of what his own cousin and friend have done to his best friend for the rest of his life in this loop?

Perfect song to play over this scene, by the way:

I enjoy imagining an edit of this scene playing out to this exact song...!

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