Old Age

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I'd love some kind of loop where one of the Hooky characters somehow miraculously survives after everything that happens in the witches vs non-magical people war and lives to old age, while Damien dies early on in his life and moves on to the next loop...! And then some investigators/journalists/historians(?) could interrogate them about what happened during the war and their experiences in it...! Perhaps WILLIAM could be one of those Hooky characters who somehow survives the war until it finally dies down and lives to old age, but then he somehow loses all of his friends, including Monica and Damien, so he lives on as a miserable king? But he keeps all his emotions to himself to fulfill his royal duties, and he stoically answers those investigators' questions about his experiences in the war and mentions all of his friends' deaths as one of those experiences before moving on to explain all the other aspects of the war he experienced and what happened in the war in general, while his mind just plays all of his friends' deaths, especially Monica and DAMIEN's deaths, on loop over and over again, and he'll remember all the fun times he had with his friends and how happy he had been with them, despite all the stress he would have had with all of his father's expectations and stuff, before everything went to shit...! Oh, and I'll somehow make it so Damien's death is the most brutal and barbaric out of all the other Hooky characters' deaths, so as those journalists interrogate William, he reminisces the time he stumbled across Damien's mutilated, dismembered, bloody, and decomposing corpse with maggots and insects crawling all over it (crawling in and out of his mouth, ears, eyes, and... nose...), and chomping it down and crows trying to pick apart and gnaw down  his corpse with their teeth, and William would remember how much he was TRAUMATIZED by the sight...! He'd also recall his last moment with Damien before Damien's death... But yeah, I don't think William would be able to make any more true friends after that since he wouldn't want to bear the pain of losing anybody again and since he's unable to loop and start over in this AU, unlike Damien, he'll just have nobody for the rest of his life in this hypothetical loop...

Or perhaps DORIAN could live to old age in a loop. I mean, in the video above, maybe Damien could warn Dorian about what could happen to him and/or his friends if he doesn't do a certain thing or let Damien help him, but Dorian wouldn't believe him since he wouldn't trust his older brother at the time, not after Damien ran away from his family... So Damien just gives up on saving Dorian and their friends in this hypothetical loop, leaving Dorian again (much to Dorian's disappointment(?)), and then killing himself. And then the event that Damien warns Dorian would happen if Dorian didn't take action happens, killing his friends, with Dorian barely surviving. So Dorian would live a long, miserable life, regretting not listening to his older brother or taking any action earlier? I don't know...

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