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Dianna hid under her bed hoping not to be noticed by her disgusting stepfather. She prayed he would not find her. Dianna felt her heart hammering outside of her chest. Her stepdad raped her when she was nine years old and she never told her mother what he did. Thomas never stopped and her life was screwed up ever since. He delighted when they were home alone so he could have his way with her. Dianna suffered the abuse for the last three years and was dying inside. 

"Hey, my sweetie pie. You know you can't hide from me," Thomas entered her room briskly searching for her. "Baby, you know I can't be without you. I love you," he said opening her closet door. Dianna saw his shadow near her bed and she swallowed a huge gulp in her throat. He sat on her bed confused as to where she was. Dianna now wished she had changed her hiding place. It was as if her breath and heart stopped at that moment. She did not want this man touching her at all. 

"Dianna, why are you making this so difficult? " he stood angrily. "Maybe, I should get rid of your mother so we can be together all the time," he threatened. Dianna trembled at his words and remained still. Why won't he just leave me alone? she thought emotionally. She recalled him using a gun and a knife on several occasions to get her to obey his commands. He left her room and slammed her door shut. Dianna was afraid at first to come out from under the bed. What protection did she have against this man? Two minutes later she rolled from under her bed in an attempt to lock her door and hideout until her mother returned. Dianna was good at hiding it from her mother and feared for their safety. When Dianna went towards the door Thomas emerged suddenly with a silly smirk on his face. "So we are playing it rough today?" he mocked licking his nasty lips.

Dianna stepped back gripped with anxiety at his presence. He slapped her and said. "You made this difficult for yourself," Thomas launched at her violently. Diana flinched at his touch and tried to run but he was too strong and he forced himself on her. Dianna cried the entire time and wanted her mother, God, or somebody to make it all stop or the nightmare to go away. 

When Thomas was done Dianna ran to the corner of her room breathing heavily. "Clean up yourself, your mom will be home soon," he said looking at her intensely. "I can't wait to have you again," he whistled leaving her room. Dianna screamed in pain and agony. She was tired of the sexual abuse. She sat in the corner in the dark for over an hour. The voices in her head tormented her and told her this would never stop. Dianna started grabbing at her skin as if causing her pain would alleviate the agony she was feeling inside.

She felt abandoned, lost, and hopeless. Dianna could not get rid of the voices in her head that encouraged her to kill herself so the pain would go away or subside. The enemy's words struck a dangerous cord and lie prompting Dianna to swallow a bottle of pills. "You are a dirty little slut. Your mother would be disgusted by you and God does not even love you. You should die. Nobody will miss you or even care."

Dianna floated away and found herself plunging from reality into a deep vision. "Dad," she said. She reached out looking at her eight-year-old self-playing, on her bike, laughing, and frolicking with her Dad. These were happy and fond moments in her life when her Dad was alive. Diana continued to see flashes and memories of when life was easier and not so difficult. "Dad, why did you have to leave me?" Dianna wept reaching out to another memory of her dad being buried at his funeral. Dianna wondered where she was as she watched each scene unfold. She turned away and suddenly heard her dad's voice subconsciously say "It's not your time yet."  Suddenly, Dianna was whisked back to the present day and heard her mother's voice much stronger than before.

"Dianna, I love you. Please don't leave me," Olivia Pearson said performing CPR on her daughter. She finally found a pulse and called the ambulance after finding her daughter on the bed next to a bottle of her prescription medication. "Dianna please don't leave me," her mother cried inconsolably. 

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