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Pursuing Dianna

Autumn was frustrated seeing that the gentleman was not interested in her. Dianna felt bad for her but did not know what was his memo. He came into the diner every other day and seemed to want her to serve his table. Autumn's eyes lit up when she saw what was happening before her eyes. 

"What?" Dianna asked when she saw Autumn smiling from ear to ear. "I think he likes you," Autumn said. "Good for him but I am not interested," Dianna quickly admitted dismissing Autumn's suggestion. "Well, You are my girl and this is quite fine so go for it," Autumn explained cheerfully. Dianna rolled her eyes realizing this girl was completely boy-crazy. 

"He is too old for me. I have had enough of older men being attracted to me," Dianna said in disgust. Dianna looked up at the mysterious man across the room whose eyes captured hers and smiled warmly.

Dianna felt her heart beat rapidly near her chest. "What was that?" she thought. She avoided his table but occasionally received a smile or nod from him. Dianna giggled to herself at the attention. She had to set him straight. She was not emotionally stable for a relationship. 

As she headed out of the restaurant Marcus leaned next to the wall. "Why are you stalking me?" she said looking into his eyes. "It's not my intention. I just want to get to know you," he smiled. "I'm not interested," Dianna said walking away. "Wait up," Marcus said walking beside her.

"What are you doing?" Dianna said as her defenses rose up. "Catching the bus with you," he said. When you are ready to talk I will be here for you," he said. "Don't you have a car? This is silly. I am not going to talk to you" Dianna warned him. He smiled and sat beside her on the bus the entire time. 

He watched her as she left determined that he would eventually make progress and her walls would fall. 

Over the next few weeks, the home was torture for Dianna. She stayed in her room most of the time and went to school avoiding her aunt and her step-uncle. The only relief came from the diner and Marcus. He had grown on her and she appreciated the attention he was giving her. She was slowly getting to know him and he became her escape from home.

"Are you going to let me carry you home?" he asked when they sat together during her break. "Maybe," she laughed. His eyes locked with hers making Dianna feel shy and self-conscious. "Dianna, I have accompanied you on that bus for weeks. Don't you trust me even a little?" he challenged. 

"Okay maybe you can carry me home," Dianna said sipping some of her drink. His eyes nestled on her lips. "What?" she asked completely naive to the fact that this man was slowly pulling her into an ugly world. "What do you do for a living Marcus? You hang around the diner way too much?" Dianna asked still completely afraid to fully trust him.  

"I am a realtor," he said showing her his business card. I work for myself so my hours are flexible," he admitted. Dianna nodded still not fully convinced. She was not completely pulled into his charms. He carried her home concerned that she was battling a lot.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently holding her hands.  Dianna broke not because she lacked attention but the fact that she hated going in this house. She poured her heart out talking about the abuse as a child, the death of her mother, and the advances of her step-uncle.   Marcus despite being manipulative and a predator felt some compassion toward her. He knew she did not completely trust him but he was about to win her trust.

He kissed her on her forehead. "Call me if you need me. Anytime he said," pulling her into an embrace. Dianna accepted and relied on that hug because she just needed to be okay. Marcus watched as she walked away counting down to her eighteen birthday. When she was eighteen he would set his plan fully in motion. 

Dianna was greeted by her step-uncle whose nasty gaze made her immediately feel uncomfortable. "Why don't you give in? Make this easy on yourself. You are not going to win," he said trying to kiss her. The loud banging on the door startled the predator as he approached the door unwillingly annoyed after being interrupted. "Who the hell......?" Daniel began as he opened the door and Marcus barged in. Marcus tackled Daniel to the ground and punch him repeatedly in the face. "Don't you ever touch her or come near her again," Marcus barked. He whispered in his ear without Dianna hearing, "You are dead if you do."

Dianna did not know if to rejoice or be afraid. She nervously put her hands on his shoulders. "I'm okay," she said trying to calm him down. The last thing Dianna wanted was to be a witness to a murder. Little did Dianna know that Marcus was staking claim to his property. Dianna was his and anyone who touched her would get hurt. 

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