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New town, New Memories

Dianna took a deep breath inhaling in the sea breeze and admiring the beauty of the sunset. God had really helped her over the last few years. The counseling, prayers, and talking about the abuse and the suicide really helped Dianna heal. She was sixteen now and much happier than her twelve-year-old self.

"Mom, these pancakes are great!" Dianna declared enjoying the sweet taste. Olivia smiled, "Glad you like them." Dianna sat at the dining room table and poured herself a glass of orange juice and enjoyed some eggs and bacon also. Olivia stood silently watching her daughter. It brought her so much peace and joy to see that smile on Dianna's face. "So, how is school going?" Olivia asked drinking some coffee. "Great!" Dianna admitted. "When are you going to invite your friends over? I would love to meet them," Olivia asked. "Soon mom," Dianna smiled. She got up and give her mother a huge hug when she heard the bus on the outside. Olivia basked in these moments to be close to her daughter. She was so grateful God had rescued her daughter from the hurt and pain.

Dianna tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and looked around the gym for her friend Paige. She did not have too many friends and kept her circle small. Paige tapped her from behind and laughed. "Paige, I told you about sneaking up on me like that," Dianna scolded her. "I'm sorry," Paige teased as they headed to class. "What is it?" Dianna asked realizing something had Paige in a happy mood. "He asked me to the dance," Paige beamed. Dianna's dark brown eyes widened at her friend's news. Paige had been crushing on Elijah Woods for months and Dianna was happy for her. "That's so cool," Dianna shoved her gently. "I am so excited about the dance. I can't wait," Paige announced cheerfully.

"And.............." Paige began. "And what?" Dianna asked confused. "Are you going?" Paige asked her curiously. "No. I will be spending some quality time at home with a good book," Dianna explained. "Why? There are many guys that would love to go out with you Dianna. You are beautiful and smart. But over the five years you have avoided boys like a plague," Paige pointed out.

"I am concentrating on my studies. I don't have time for a boyfriend or dances," Dianna reminded her. Paige grew quiet and recalled how Dianna had shared her story about the abuse she suffered. Paige gently said, "Are you sure you are not building walls? You refuse to date or share your story. Dianna, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Your story can help so many others. You are not a victim but a victor," Paige pointed out.

Diana grinned. Paige always knew just what to say to boost her self-esteem. She was really a good friend. "Beautiful words but it is not reality. If I share my past I'm afraid a guy would not be able to deal. "You can't stay hidden forever. You will not know if you don't try," Paige suggested.  "I pray one day there will be a guy who looked beyond everything and see the gem you are," Paige stated. "Maybe one day," Dianna said. Both girls laughed and ran into Isaiah Mckenzie who immediately focused on Dianna. 

"Dianna, can I talk to you?" he asked. Paige almost screamed in anticipation and warned Diana with her eyes not to say no. Dianna was at a loss for words. Isaiah was always staring at her in the hallways at school. She ignored the looks and stares and continued every day without encouraging the flirting. Dianna had to admit Isaiah was a dream his blue eyes, curly hair, and handsome smile were sweet. But she wondered if this was a good idea. Isaiah used to date Hailey King and she appeared to believe she had some hold on this boy. 

Paige excused herself leaving Dianna and Isaiah all alone. Dianna suddenly felt shy and nervous in his presence. What will she say if this boy asked her out? "Hi, Dianna how are you?" Isaiah beamed finally getting the opportunity to talk with her. He had admired Dianna for a while now. She was really smart and beautiful. She rarely dated and spent most of her time with her friend Paige or the library. Nevertheless, he was intrigued and she did not know how beautiful she was.

There was a bit of awkward silence between them as he mustered up the nerve to finally ask her out. Dianna was a bit tie tongue herself but she finally said," Hey." Hey, she scolded herself in her mind wishing she had said something else that was cooler.

 "Dianna, I know you don't know me that well but I want this to change. I would love to get to know you and go out with you. We can be friends. There is no pressure for anything else but I find you fascinating. I would love it if you would go with me to the Spring dance," he asked.

"Nice punchline," Dianna said. They both smiled. "I am................," Dianna started to say about to turn him down. Then she saw Paige in the corner throwing a tantrum and motioned to her the words "Don't you turn him down." Dianna almost laughed hysterically watching her friend's theatrics and fit. 

Dianna looked back at Isaiah appreciating his authenticity and directness. He was honest and straightforward and she liked that more than she cared to admit. Isaiah interjected, "Please don't say no." he said flashing a smile that melted Dianna's heart. "Okay, I will go with you as a friend," she emphasized. Isaiah looked down at her mesmerized by her beautiful eyes that were so warm and inviting. Dianna found herself getting weak in her knees and blushing more than she anticipated.

"Can I have your number? You know for directions and to call you sometime," Isaiah said all in one breath. Dianna smiled knowing that he was reaching for more. "Yes, for the date, of course," she indulged him. Isaiah continued to grin from ear to ear. "I can't wait," he bowed and left.

After he left Paige bounced on over to Dianna with applause and admiration. "Hey Easter bunny," Dianna teased. "I am so proud of you. You said yes," Paige squealed. "I know I can't believe it myself. He was really sweet," Dianna admitted. "This is so exciting. We can shop and dressed together. This is going to be a blast," Paige stated excitedly. Dianna took a deep breath. She had always turned guys down who asked her out for dates. She prayed she made the right decision.

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