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Omniscient POV
7 months later

"Beyoncé, hurry the fuck up." A heavily pregnant Onika huffed, as she sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Beyoncé panicked as she tried to carefully drive down to the hospital. "Breathe, Nicki."

"Don't tell me to-" Onika loudly groaned as she felt another contraction. Her hand rested on her bulging stomach as she panted.

"Baby, we're almost there. Just keep breathing."

"Your big headed kids are fighting inside of me right now." Onika gritted, raising her legs to relieve the pain.

"The fuck did I do?" Beyoncé's voice went up a few octaves.

"Get me pregnant." Onika's pain turned into concern as she burst into tears. She felt one big contraction before speaking again. "Something isn't right, Bey."

"What's wrong?" The blonde manoeuvred through the traffic, pulling into the hospital.

"I don't know." She groaned again, feeling a strain on her back. "It hurts."

"I know, baby." Beyoncé was quick to climb out of the vehicle to aid her fiancé. Once she'd gotten Onika out of the car, she called for assistance.

A few nurses came out with a gurney and helped the pregnant woman onto it. The couple intertwined their hands and never let go.

Onika had a firm grip on Beyoncé as she was pushed into a labouring suite.

An ultrasound was quickly taken by the OB before she was being told to wait. Everything was a blur for Onika.

She laboured for hours before her contractions were seconds apart. Beads of sweat ran down her forehead and she cried to whoever would listen.

"I want the epidural." Onika wailed.

"They already gave you some." Beyoncé softly rubbed her hand and dabbed a cold cloth on her fiancés head.

"I want moreeee." Onika groaned loudly, squeezing Beyoncé's other hand.

"My hand-"

"Your children have been ripping me apart from the inside for hours." She gripped the blonde's hand harder, digging her nails into the skin.

Beyoncé's eyes widened as she tried to free her hand. It was no use. She just sat there, taking it. The second her labouring doctor entered the room, Onika started pushing.

Her body was on autopilot and she started pushing. Despite the immense pain she felt, she pushed.

"Onika, I need you to stop pushing." The doctor quickly spoke up after feeling around for the babies.

"Wh-what?!" Onika groaned, her eyes shut tight as she tried not to cry again. "I-I can't."

"Get her ready to perform a C-section." The doctor turned to a group of nurses that immediately started prepping.

"What's going on?" Beyoncé stood from her seat, still holding Onika's hand. The doctors in the room exchanged a look before taking Onika out of the room.

Beyoncé stood there, watching them wheel Onika away. Her worries were at an all time high because what started as a fairly turned  pregnancy turned complicated.

She waited for 10 minutes, then 30 minutes, then an hour. That hour turned into two, which turned into three.

After three hours of waiting, she finally got a real update.

"Ms Knowles?" A nurse approached Beyoncé. Her head hung low before she stood to her feet. "Ms Maraj had a successful C-section. Right this way."

The walk to Onika's room was daunting. Although she received good news, it was still scary.

"She is 11 oz 7 pounds. A big, healthy baby." The nurse whispered, trying not to wake a restless Onika.

Beyoncé's eyes instantly flew to the empty bassinet next to her healthy daughter. The empty bassinet was meant to hold another baby.

"Where is my other baby?" The blonde turned to the nurse. The nurse gave a sympathetic smile and the message was immediately delivered.

"I'm so sorry, Ms Knowles. We did everything we could." The nurse gave her condolences before exiting the room.

Beyoncé's world stopped again, as it had done many times before. She felt tears welling at the brim of her eyes.

The sadness lasted all but two seconds before she heard low whimpering. She turned to the bassinet where her little angel lowly cried.

Her heart filled with so much love that it could've burst. She approached the bassinet and admired her daughter.

The low cries became louder, so she gently picked the infant up. She paced the room, trying to calm the baby and it was no use.

"Bring me my baby." A hoarse voice spoke from behind her. A smile spread across her face as Onika reached her hands out.

"This is mama's baby." Beyoncé pecked the head of the infant. She still walked over to Onika and handed the baby over.

Onika's maternal instincts kicked in and she attempted to breastfeed the newborn. Beyoncé watched in amazement how her woman could do the smallest thing in the most admirable way.

"Stop staring at me." Onika spoke with her eyes closed. Her body was exhausted from all it had to endure.

"I love you." She kissed the shorter woman, lovingly.

"Where's my other baby?"

There was a long, awkward silence as no response was given out. Soon the bedridden Onika's eyes fluttered open adjusting to the light.

"Beyoncé?" She called again, looking directly at the other woman. "Where's my baby?"

"They didn't tell you?" Beyoncé gasped. "He didn't make it-"

"That's not funny."


"But th-they were healthy." Onika's breathing quickened as she tried to stay calm.

"I know, baby." Beyoncé slid into Onika's hospital bed, to hold her. Their baby still suckling at Onika.

"B-but they were fine." Onika started sobbing, leaning her head into her fiancé. Beyoncé wrapped her arms around Onika, mindful of the infant.

"Shh." She tried to calm the woman but it didn't work. She just sat there, comforting her. "It's going to be fine."

Onika cried, careful not to drop her tears onto her baby. Her perfect, innocent baby. Her tears flowed, even as she began to speak.

"W-what's her n-name?" She sniffed, as Beyoncé swiped tears from her cheeks.

"Nilaya Rose Maraj-Knowles." Beyoncé proudly spoke of one name they chose together. Onika's cry turned to a chuckle as she looked back down at the newborn.

"Hi, baby Laya." She cooed, gently pecking her daughter's head. "Mommy loves you so much."

The two parents sat and admired their daughter until guests started arriving. Celestine was next to hold the infant, followed by Zamora.


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