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(Theresa's POV)

22:28, March 27th.

I can't sleep, but that's no surprise - I never can. I just finished a mission. Quick in-and-out recon that I was trusted to do alone. It only took a week. I can't wait to go home but I have to meet Captain Price about some task force he wants me to join - 141 or something. It should be temporary unless he wants me to join it full time. Anyway, the helicopters here to take me to the barracks to see Price so I should probably try and rest.

I finished off my diary entry and put it in my pocket. It was a habit my mother started when I was young. She always told me that it was good to document what happened to me in case I wanted to look back on it when I was older. I never really fed into it until I was around 9 and I started to get my first glimpse of reality - and how harsh it is.

I don't know what provoked me into joining the military, but I found myself enlisting when I was 16 and have been a part of it ever since. I grew up in the countryside on a farm so I had experience doing things most boys my age had never even heard of, so I was picked on in my earlier years, being told that 'I was more of a boy than half of the boys in school'. I couldn't help it - I was the oldest of three daughters so I was helping my father out around the farm since I learned to walk since there were no other boys around to do it. I guess that factored into my joining the military.

The helicopter eventually landed after around 6 hours, and I was conscious for all of them. I stepped out of the helicopter and found Captain Price standing beside a woman I've never met before. She had blonde hair tied up in a bun and wore a blue blouse.

"Sergeant O'Mallon," Price greeted. "It's good to see you again."

"God you couldn't make me sound more Irish Price," I quipped. "and how many times do I have to tell you to call me by my first name? You know how I hate how formal titles are."

Price chuckled and introduced me to the woman he was stood next to - Station Chief Kate Laswell. I shook her hand and we made our way to the barracks.

"I'll introduce you to the rest of the task force later at 10:00 but until then, you need to get some rest, I'm sure you're tired after your mission." Price said.

"Mm." I tiredly agreed.

"Well, this is it," Laswell gestured to the door of what I assumed would be my bedroom. "your new home!"

That confirmed it. I thanked Price and Laswell and the two began to walk off. As I opened the door, Price turned to me and said; "Theresa, you know you're like a daughter to me right? We've been through thick and thin together."

"Yeah? Why?"

"I know your insomnia has been acting up recently. Your mother was worried when you last visited and asked me to keep an eye on you. I know you hate talking about it but please please tell me if it ever gets to a point where you're going weeks without sleep. Please try and get some now."

I wasn't surprised my mother had contacted Price. They have been friends for years and still check in on each other often.

"John I promise. I only really stay up for a couple of days. Its been getting better. It just.. acts up sometimes." I told him the truth because I knew he would see through any lie I would tell him.

"Ok. Now go get some sleep. You've got a big day tomorrow kid."

"Night Dad." I joked to Price.

He chuckled and gave me a side hug - just like he did when I was a kid, then went to bed himself.

I walked into my room and set the things I was carrying down. Looking around I saw a desk, a wardrobe and a bookshelf. Looking around more I saw a bed tucked into the corner of the room. I quickly changed into something comfortable to sleep in, set an alarm for 8:30, and closed my eyes, praying I would be able to drift off.

(A.N: Just letting you guys know that Theresa is my OC. I've based some of her backstory around me so I have some form of idea what I'm talking about.

I'm going to try and follow the COD MWII storyline as best I can.

Again, this is my first ever story so please bear with me as I gather my bearings, any feedback would be greatly appreciated and I will do my best to apply it.)

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