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Hassan has missiles. I don't know what the fuck he's going to do with them, or how he got them. I doubt any of that matters now. All that matters is that we put a stop to him.

I still can't wrap my head around it. This has turned into something much bigger. I have a headache right now just recounting it and writing it down. I don't have a good feeling about this. But then again it may be my ear.

Theresa put the notebook back in her pocket, giggling silently as she wrote the last sentence, knowing that if she ever lived to read it again, she'd laugh. She massaged her temple before moving to look in another pocket. She pulled out a packet of paracetamol and took one out.

John watched her as she swallowed it. Her face winced ever so slightly at the taste. She didn't have any water but her head hurt too much not to do anything about it.

"I've no clue how yer able tae go about doing that so casually, Lass." He chuckled, trying to cheer her up.

"Do what? I'm completely innocent, sir." The two had taken on a joking relationship, and Theresa was ever glad of it.

"Popping them likes its nothing. If I was a stranger, I'd have put you in a mental hospital. You're lucky I love you." He laughed, trying to hide the dawning truth in his words. Although he didn't love her just yet, he was certain the longer he spent with her, the quicker he would.

"Ach its not that bad! I've nae clue where it came from. I'm used to it! I'd do it if I ever got migraines at work or school and I didn't have a drink. And my friends said I was mad. I'm not mad am I?" She giggled and pouted her lips slightly while she batted her eyelashes in a joking manner.

"Hmm.." John took his time looking her up and down, raising an eyebrow as he tried not to laugh again. "I think you may be.. I might have to ruin our friendship because of this.."

Theresa huffed quietly, rolling her eyes at how dramatic he was being. "Then I may love ye and leave ye my good man.." She giggled before kissing his cheek and standing up.

It took his brain a minute to register what had just happened, but his cheeks instantly flushed a light shade of pink. He looked up at her and pulled her back down gently.

"Hey! I was only joking!" He said. The last thing he wanted was for her to leave and go talk to someone else. "Anyway, I have to make sure you get your battle scar looked at." He smiled at her.

She giggled as she moved to take the plaster on her ear off. "My very badass battle scar."

He noticed her face contort in pain and instantly moved in front of her to help, taking on the same position they had been in in the crashed helicopter, with him knelt in front of her caring to her wound. The only difference was that this one was in the air.

John carefully tucked Theresa's hair away from her face again, and did his best not to hurt her as he started to take the plaster off.

"I've never seen a more badass one Flower.. and I doubt I ever will.." He smiled up at her, and chuckled as she pulled the same unimpressed face she always pulled when he called her the nickname. John couldn't help but smile every time he saw it.

Theresa skimmed her eyes around the helicopter they were in. It was much like the other one, but this one was bigger. It was more suited for transporting people for longer periods of time. It had a communal space, and, granted there wasn't any reason to remain seated, the passengers could walk around freely to talk to their comrades.

Not many people had been paying much attention to the exchanges between the two, mostly because they were in the corner where not much could be seen or heard, but also because they simply couldn't give a shit.

Theresa sighed as looked back at John, who's attention was still on being as gentle as he could with getting the plaster off. It was almost like he was playing jenga and the tower was about to fall if he moved. He did genuinely stop moving if he thought he would end up hurting her.

"What's gonna happen now?" She asked softly.

"I'm not sure.. Laswell'l probably tell Price, get his help. But we get to sit on our arses until we're told to do something, so that's good." He winked to her as he finally finished taking the plaster off, throwing it in the bin.

"That's good.." Theresa repeated as she slowly nodded her head. "Is it bad?"

"Other then some dried blood and a cut, you should be grand Lass.." He placed a soft kiss on her cheek, much in the same manner that she had done to him earlier. "I'm not much of a medic, but I'll clean it up for ye when we get back." He smiled softly at her before sitting beside her again.

Theresa felt her cheeks go pink at the contact, and she nodded at him, unable to speak. And when John sat beside her again, she felt a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time.

She felt tired.

She pulled her phone out and checked the time - 04:19. She yawned quietly as she zipped the pocket back up. John noticed this and gently pulled her head onto his shoulder to rest on, leaving his arm draped around her. She looked up at him tiredly and he smiled, moving his head to her ear.

"I'll wake you up when we get back. Get some rest Lass." He whispered.

Theresa yawned again and nodded into his shoulder. She felt her eyes getting heavy and closed them, feeling herself falling into a deep sleep. Feeling safe in John's arms. In his embrace.


(A.N: Hello! Summer is finally here so that means I can write more. I've been wondering if you all like longer chapters over these shorter 1000 word chapters. I personally don't mind either, but I would love your input ❤️.)

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