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(A.N: Consider this longer chapter an apology for the break I took and the last chapter, I genuinely hated it.)


Theresa went to bed around 3.00, but she didn't actually sleep. She groaned and covered her face in her arm while she thought about how easily she had fallen asleep in the last couple of days.

Then, she thought back to the interaction she had with Ghost, about how strange she thought it had been. The two had barely ever spoken to each other and he was treating her like she was his younger sister, or at least someone he had known for years.

Price had told Theresa about some of the trauma that Ghost had been through, and she couldn't help but feel sorry for the man, but she didn't treat him any different because of it. She didn't want him to feel like she was walking on eggshells around him so she wouldn't offend him.

Ghost was actually a funny man. Although he had a tough exterior that scared people away from him, he was really a nice guy.

Then, her mind wandered to the Scotsman she had been spending most of her time with. She thought about how she had slept better then she ever had in the few days she had known him then she had her entire life. 

And how she couldn't sleep now he wasn't there.

It dawned on her - she could only sleep when she was with him.

She wasn't sure what to do, or why that was. She definitely couldn't tell him that. Not only would it probably creep him out, he wouldn't want to be near her anymore, then she would have to back to passing out because of how long she had been awake for, and she didn't want that.

Theresa's mind was overflowing with thoughts that night, and she didn't realise that the sun was rising until it shone in through her curtains and her alarm went off.

'Great.' Theresa thought to herself. 'I can't sleep anymore.'

She didn't bother getting up for a minute or two, just laying on her bed, staring at the roof. That was, until her phone rang.

She leaned over to look at the contact and sat up when she noticed it was a call from her mother.

"Hello?" Theresa said hoarsely. She was surprised at the early call, especially since it was just past 6.00.

"Hi sweetie! How are you this morning?" Theresa was surprised at how chipper she sounded, because her mother had never been a morning person.

"I'm fine... why are you calling me so early?"

The line was quiet for a moment before her mother responded.

"Can't a mother check up on her daughter? Anyway, I know you're busy so I thought I'd get a quick call in before you can't talk for a month straight."

"Alright.. but that doesn't explain why you sound like you've been up for hours.."

"You've always been an overthinker, haven't you Theresa?"

This time, it was Theresa who was silent over the line, presumably overthinking.

"Told you so, Kid." She said with a laugh, happy to speak with her daughter. "We want to talk to you. We miss you. Your sisters really want to spill gossip about boys to you."

She laughed as she heard her sisters saying hello through the phone. She tried to keep in as much contact with her family as possible, but her job made that hard for her to do, but they always appreciated her efforts. It just made her coming home that much more special.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now