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"Let me prove you wrong then."

The words rang through her head a thousand times before she could comprehend them.

His thumb was still on her lip, and Theresa was certain her cheeks were bright red.

"What.. do you mean?"

She watched as he swallowed. He looked down at the floor and back up at her again, still not moving his thumb.

"Theresa.." He started.

Her eyes flickered to his lips when he said her name. Tasted her name. She liked how it sounded coming out of his mouth.


"Listen we might die out there tomorrow so I just want to tell you.. I like you. More than I probably should. I can't get you out of my mind, and honestly, I don't want to. You probably think I'm bat-shit crazy, but give me one chance. Just one, to show you how much I care about you."

He watched Theresa's face with hope in his eyes after his confession. Hope that she would say yes. Hope that she felt the same way. Hope that they could start a future together.

Theresa's eyebrows furrowed together as she listened to him, not expecting any of it. The blush on her cheeks was undeniable, and her brain wasn't working.

Eventually, her brain finally reconnected with her body and she nodded slowly at him, and John grew an excited smile. 

"I like you too.." She said when she remembered how to speak. "I'm not.. good.. at this kind of stuff.. but I wanna try. With you."

The two both had goofy grins on their faces as they looked at each other like to love-struck teenagers, Theresa not knowing what to say and John having too much.

And they stayed like that for a while, sitting in silence looking at each other, John's thumb still on Theresa's lip, with no intention on moving. Except for one thing.

"Can I kiss you?"

He watches as her eyes widened at his request, her mouth opening slightly as if she were to gasp. But she didn't. For the most part, she was completely silent, the only noise being her almost broken 'Okay'.

He moved his thumb up to her cheek, cupping it with his hand as he leaned in slowly, looking into her eyes, down to her lips and back up to her eyes, and they found themselves in the same position they were in in the kitchen hours before. Only this time they wouldn't be interrupted.

Or at least they thought.

Just as their lips were about to connect, a loud knock hit the door of Theresa's office.

"Whatever this is it better be fucking good." Soap mumbled, begrudgingly pulling away from Theresa and standing up.

"Pack up you two. Hassan got away from the team in Mexico. We're leaving early. And by early I mean now." Ghost's gruff voice called from outside the door.

"Fuck.. Alright." Theresa called back, standing up from her chair and chugging the rest of her energy drink.

They heard Ghost's heavy footsteps thump away from the door, presumably to go to the heli that was waiting for them.

"Bastard's sure got bad timing.." Soap chuckled, rolling his eyes as he turned back to the girl.

"You could say that.." She chuckled back. "We'd better get going.. the sooner this is over the better."

"You're right about that.."

The two left her office and broke off to their rooms to grab their cases, meeting again in the helicopter, but they didn't get to sit next to each other, since they had been the last two to board, their seats almost couldn't be farther from each other.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now