19. (TW: SMUT)

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Theresa blushed at what John had said, unsure of whether he had been joking, or actually flirting with her.

Thankfully, Graves had piled into a different truck, so they didn't have to deal with the American's rants on the way back, no matter how quick a ride back it was.

Both of them ended up with Ghost and Rodolfo would drive the four of them back, Alejandro, Graves and one of the Vaqueros taking Hassan on the same disorientating, rough corners, taking him back to where they found him, back at the cartel's compound.

"Hello, Lovebirds." Ghost cooed teasingly when the two got in the car.

John sent him a look and Theresa raised a joking eyebrow at him.

"Excuse me?" She asked with a chuckle.

"You heard me. Everyone thinks you two are together."

"What?" John asked, almost choking on air.

"I heard a couple of the rookies back at base before we left talkin' bout how they thought you two were.. doing couple things together." He told them. "Don't worry, I shut them up. They saw me standing there and you'd have thought they were mute." He said with a chuckle. It was kind of an odd sight, seeing Ghost laugh, even just a bit, but at the same time it was one of the funniest things ever.

"It's not much of their business.." Theresa mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"I think it's just cuz it's been so long since they got some, they're going crazy over people who might be." Soap said, grinding his teeth and imagining his fist colliding with the rookies' faces for talking about the two of them - about her - behind their backs.

They got quiet when Rodolfo jumped into the driver's seat, smiling back at them through the wingmirror.

Theresa smiled back, giving a small wave.

"Ready to finally get some rest amigos?" He asked, completely unaware of the conversation going on prior to his entering as he turned the key in the ignition, the engine roaring to life.

"More than you think." Soap chuckled, leaning his head back as the car started to move.

"Station Chief Laswell is investigating something they got off of Hassan's phone." He told them. "Unfortunately you can't go home just yet, until we know for sure that there's nothing else going on here."

"Do you have any idea how long it'll take?" Ghost asked, the truck already slowing down from how close the desert was to the base.

"No, but we set up rooms for you to stay in. I'm sorry to say... our barracks are full. We only have two rooms left, so two of you have to share. Lo siento.." He said in an apologetic tone, stopping the truck in front of where they were staying for however long they'd be in Mexico.

"It's fine. It's nice you even got us rooms to begin with." Theresa reassured him with a smile.

Rodolfo lead the three to the two rooms, stopping at them, both opposite each other.

"You can decide amongst yourselves who shares a room. There's a bathroom in each so you all can shower. And as you can see, your bags are here." Rodolfo told them, gesturing down to their bags in the hall, nodding kindly and walking to his room.

Ghost leaned back against the door of one of the rooms, grabbing his bag and opening the door.

"Don't make too much noise, Lovebirds.." He said teasingly, sending a wink their way and walking into the room, leaving both of the Sergeants with the same dumbfounded expression on their faces in the middle of the hallway.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now