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Rodolfo was quick in getting them back, driving more than a little over the speed limit. Hassan hadn't stopped complaining, almost to the point where they were tempted to pull over to look for duck tape to put over his mouth.

In fact, the only time he had been quiet was when he saw Theresa being hoisted onto the Scotsman's lap, sending a surprised and judgmental look over their way. One that Soap was quick to put a stop to.

Theresa yelped when John grabbed her, a blush spreading under her dirt-coated cheeks. John gave her waist a gentle squeeze to reassure her, whispering into her ear that they'd talk about it later.

She kept quiet, cleaning her pistol, sending dirty looks in Hassan's direction any time she caught him doing the same to her.

A town came into view after a while, about a mile or so ahead of them. Rodolfo stopped the truck for a moment, causing Grave's to speak up again.

"All stations, what's the hold-up down there?" He asked, annoyance tinted very heavily in his tone, making Ghost roll his eyes for the umpteenth time.

"Shadow-1, there's movement at the fuel station up ahead. Possible cartel. Roping now." Alejandro told him, grabbing his laser and pointing it in the direction of the station ahead of them.

"Copy. We'll recon the area. Be ready to move."

He and the Shadows went back to their chatter as they worked, checking to make sure there were no weapons or obvious cartel members around them.

Soap had been quiet for the last 5 minutes, his face pressed into Theresa's shoulder, his grip tightening on her waist slightly. Barely enough to be noticeable, but Theresa did.

"You okay?" She whispered quietly, so only he would hear.

"I'm fine Lass... bumpy roads is all.." He whispered back.

His breathing was heavier, and it took a moment for Theresa to realise what he meant. It wasn't until she felt... something poking her thigh.

"Oh.." She mumbled, sitting straight, her blush returning to her cheeks.

"Sorry..." He whispered, his words mumbled as he bit back a groan.

"It's okay." Theresa whispered, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 'He can't help it.. it's... biology.' She told herself.

Rodolfo started driving again, the car jerking ever so slightly, making John grab Theresa to hold her still, the tiniest sliver of a whimper leaving his lips, but that could've been Theresa imagining things. She buried the idea that perhaps she wanted to have heard that noise escape his mouth.. among others.. deep deep  down inside her head.

"Uh.. there's an individual crossing the road.." One of the Shadow's said.

"What the fuck's he doing?" Graves asked.

They looked through the windshield, seeing a man dragging a stand across the street.

"Shadow-1, we may have a situation here.." Soap said, grabbing ahold of whatever composure he had left.

Rodolfo stopped the truck again, rolling down his window to talk to the man.

"Apartese del camino!" (Get out of the way!)  He yelled.

The man yelled something that Theresa couldn't make out, but he wasn't happy.

Alejandro told him to go around, but he went right through the wooden cart, the owner diving to the pavement of the other side of the road he had been crossing. Everybody grabbed whatever was in front of them to steady themselves, all but Hassan, who was still in handcuffs.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now