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(Johnny's POV)

I felt the pounding in my head before I even opened my eyes. I've felt a hangover before when I was a teenager but this wasn't like any I've felt before. 

That's good old Mexican Tequila for you..

When I did decide to gather the strength to open my eyes, however, I was blessed with one of the most beautiful sights in the world - Theresa laying on my arm.

She wasn't asleep like I had expected her to be at - what? 6.23 in the morning? Jesus, the girl's already awake and reading a book the size of my head as if she's been up for ages already.

Fair enough, she might have been with that damn insomnia of hers. If she was, then I definitely didn't do my job right last night.

I kept quiet trying to sneak a glance at what she was reading, but my eyes wouldn't focus on the words. Whether it was because of the hangover or how fucking quickly that woman read, I wasn't sure. 

Didn't stop me from marking the page for her before I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her neck, breathing in the smell of her perfume that seemed to never fade away. I didn't mind that.. she smells like heaven.

"I was reading, y'know.." She says in that voice of hers she only sports when she first speaks in the morning. And only I get to hear it.

"Yeah." I mumble, kissing her neck and tightening my hold on her, making her chuckle.

I'd spend the rest of my life trying to make her laugh if that's the sound I'm blessed with.

"Your head hurts." She says simply, running one of her hands through my hair. I look up at her, shocked she could tell so easily, wincing slightly from the movement.

"I'm a medic, its my job to know." She hums with a wink, as if she was able to read my mind. "I also have a way to get rid of it. If you say please." She smirks.

"How are you so cheery this early? You drank at least twice as much as I did."

"I've been blessed with the genes of not being a lightweight. It's in my culture." She's definitely finding pleasure in my torture. I'd punish her for it if I didn't think she was so pretty and if it didn't hurt my head so much.

Brushing off her blatant disrespect, I rest my chin on her chest. "So about that hangover cure you said you've got.." I say, flashing a cheesy grin at her and fluttering my eyelashes. I may look like a dick, but its only for her.

"Say please.." She coos down at me, that smirk glued on her face.

I pout, wanting to tease her and remind her that it wasn't so long ago she was begging for me to let her come, but my head was about to explode, so I left it.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top."
"I dunno... you don't sound like you mean it..."

She could be the most infuriating person on earth. The fact that she was the oldest sibling in her family is dripping from her right now.

"Fine. Pretty please Miss. I'll do anything for your medicine. I'll even eat out your pussy the way you li-"

I was cut off by her lightly slapping my shoulder and telling me to shut up. Worked in my favour.


Now I'm sat in the kitchen, my feet dangling from the counter I'm sat on as I watch her stir a mug of coffee. I just know she's teasing me again with the small sway of her hips as she dances to a song playing quietly from her phone.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now