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Within a couple of minutes, they were at a compound the cartel was supposedly hiding Hassan in. Graves had changed channels for a moment in his comms to talk to his Shadows and the General about something.

"Shadow-1, we'll mark our location with IR Laser, over." Ghost said as the four spilled out of the truck.

"Roger that, 0-7."

"How do we find Hassan?" Soap asked, looking around with the scope of his weapon to make sure that no one was around them.

Alejandro was quick to respond, his gun ready the same as his, leading them into where they hoped to find the terrorist.

"He'll have an armed guard. Cartel Protection."

"Lotta places to hide.." Theresa said as they took cover.

"Graves covers with close air. We clear the buildings." Ghost instructed, both of the Sergeants nodding in his direction.

"Copy that, Lt." Soap told him.

"Mark us." He replied, looking around to make sure nobody was able to find their location.

"Shadow-1, we're east of the compound. Position is marked." The masked man spoke through his comms as Soap pulled out a laser and spun it around for the Shadows to find.

It took a few seconds, but they eventually heard whoever was on the TV say that they saw them.

"0-7, copy your mark." Graves' voice rang through their comms.

"Shadow-1, be advised, Hassan is moving with an armed guard. You cover external, we'll clear the buildings. How copy?"

Ghost did most of the talking, Alejandro, Soap and Theresa staying silent for the most part. They didn't mind, he was the only one with experience with the Commander.

"0-7, good copy. Armed guard. We'll secure the area so you can move in. Stand by."

The Shadow on TV said something about unknowns, being told that they were probably civilians, since there were still innocents working in the compound.

Ghost pointed out a truck, asking them to follow it as it went west.

The Shadows chattered amongst themselves as they followed the truck, assessing whether or not it was dangerous.

They continued the chatter until Ghost pointed out that the greenhouse northwest of them seemed crowded, and he got Soap to rope it for them.

Soap sent the laser in that direction, hearing TV say that he got it.

"0-7, no visual on the target. What's the call?" Graves asked him.

"That army convoy's gaining ground." Alejandro informed him, his voice slightly rushed. They didn't have much time to finish this mission before the cartel would send all the manpower they had to wipe them out.

"We go in, guns blazin', hope he squirts, lock him up from there." Soap suggested.

The Colonel nodded to him, it being a good plan for the limited weapons and soldiers they had on the ground.

"Graves, you're cleared hot to engage external. We'll clear the buildings when secure."

"0-7, copy that. Keep your heads down." Graves responded, a smirk evident in his voice.

"All Shadows, you are clear to engage armed personnel only. Do not fire on buildings." Graves ordered, his tone changing quickly.

They waited for a couple of minutes as Graves' gunman took out all the cartel members that were outside of the building.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now