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(3rd person POV)

The two made their way through the base with Soap telling Theresa everything that she needed to know.

The two got along easily and spoke about anything and everything that came into their minds.

Their subject of conversation eventually moved over to callsigns.

"Do you have a callsign?" Soap asked.

"No, I've never worked with someone for long enough to be given one. I'm interested in yours though, where did 'Soap' come from?"

"That's classified." He joked.

"Is it because you dropped some in the shower?" She teased back. She even added a sad tone to her voice and pouted her lips.

"It's actually because I sweep houses so quickly. Apparently I do it with 'remarkable speed and accuracy in room clearance techniques and urban warfare tactics'." He said proudly.

Theresa nodded and looked forward. She smiled to herself. The Sergeant seemed genuinely proud of himself - not in a narcissistic way or anything, he just seemed proud that he was good at what he did.

"We need to give you a callsign". The voice snapped Theresa back to reality.

"Isn't it a bit early? I mean you haven't even seen me in the field. I only got here yesterday and we won't be deployed for another 3 days."

"I've seen you in the field." He said matter-of-factly.

"How?" Theresa asked, genuinely curious as to what he meant.

"I saw you in the field this morning." He smirked at the loophole he had found and exploited.

Theresa rolled her eyes as he continued.

"You're really fast, so I would've picked 'Cheetah' or something. Then you saw the sunrise and you sat down and payed attention to it so I thought of something like 'Sunny' or around those lines. Then you started picking flowers. I don't even think you realized you were doing it. So your perfect callsign would be 'Flower'." He smiled proudly once he finished his deductions.

But then his face dropped. "Oh shit. That sounded like I was watching you. I mean I was but not in a creepy way. I'm not a stalker or anything. Damn it." He started internally cursing himself, until he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Hey don't worry about. I didn't think you meant anything in any creepy way. It's fine. Don't worry." She reassured him.

The worry seemed to instantly fade away from the man. As if just a simple hand on his shoulder and a few comforting words had calmed him down. He felt relieved knowing that the girl didn't judge him or feel uncomfortable around him. He genuinely wanted her to like him for some reason.

"But for the love of God please don't call me 'Flower'. It sounds so girly." She said.

"But you are a girl." Soap countered.

"Aye, but I barely ever act like one. G'wan pick one of the other ones. They were like 20 times better!" She started ranting in Irish in an accent so thick that Soap couldn't understand a word that came out of her mouth. He wondered if that was what everyone else in the task force heard when he spoke Scottish.

I like her voice. Soap thought. It sounds nice. I wouldn't mind listening to her speak. She has a nice accent.

He was pulled out of his thoughts to Theresa calling out his name. "Yeah?"

"Will you please pick a different name?" She was close to paying the man not to call her by the name, but she wouldn't let him know that she was that desperate.

Soap seemed to almost enjoy the borderline torment he was causing in the girl. "Hmmmmm.. see I would. But it suits ye so I'll stick wae it."

He chuckled as he walked quicker. Theresa running to keep up with him.

She looked straight ahead of her and said;

"I'm annoyed with you. Did you know you're really annoying?"
"I've been told that once or twice."
"Sure it wasn't more?"

He laughed at her. Looking down at her he saw she was still looking dead ahead, with a slight pout of her lips, this time seeming natural, unlike the teasing one she had earlier.

"Ah c'mon Lass, I'm only teasing ye."
"So you won't call me Flower?"
"Nah I will."

He was meant with a grunt in response.

"What do you specialize in?" Soap asked, changing the subject.

"I'm a medic. But I've been trained to use a sniper if need be. How about you?"

The girl figured resistance was futile and the more she argued the more Soap would call her the horrendous nickname. She only hoped that with time he would eventually forget it.

"I'm a sniper and demolitions expert." He smiled down at her.

"Ghost specializes in Marksmanship, Gaz in prime target elimination and Covert Surveillance and Price in close quarter combat, sniper techniques and hostage rescue, as you probably already knew."

"Good to know." Theresa noted this, she would most likely see that in her files since she was the medic, but appreciated Soap telling her anyway.

"How do you and Price know each other? If you're okay telling me."

"It's fine. He and my mother were friends since they were teenagers. They went to school with each other and kept close ever since. It was never anything romantic, they saw each other as brother and sister. My ma even made him my Godfather. He was and still is my second dad."

"That's nice." The two came to a door at the end of a hallway.

"Well, this is your office. All the medical equipment is in there. And so are all the files."

"Thanks for showing me around Soap." She smiled as the man turned away.

"See ya Flower." he chuckled.

He was met with a grunt in response. 

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now