7. (ii.)

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Before any of AQ could get close, Theresa ran out as quickly as she could to throw a couple of proximity mines down. She sprinted back and grabbed her sniper again, positioning it beside Soap.

Then, a rocket launcher went off in their direction, missing them by millimeters.

"Engage!" Ghost yelled.

The two sergeants shot a couple rounds into the skulls of the first AQ members when they heard that last Alpha Team member say that there were shooters at the wall.

Before the four knew it, there were hundreds of AQ soldiers surrounding them.

Thank Christ for cover. Theresa thought to herself, as she sent another round into an AQ members head, sending it through and killing another in collateral.

"They're getting close." Ghost called.

"Fuck!" Theresa yelled, as she felt a bullet skim past her ear, drawing blood slightly. It wasn't enough to cause any damage, but it was enough to leave it stinging for a day or two.

She grabbed her pistol from her holster and shot the AQ soldier.

"You alright, Lass?" John called, genuinely concerned about her as he saw her wince and rub her ear.

"I'll be grand.. stings like a bitch though.." she responded as she quickly dabbed some alcohol on a cotton bud, before rubbing it onto her ear to stop infection.

She replaced her pistol with her rifle and aimed for anyone that tried to get close to the heli, glad of the mines she had placed. She had missed a couple that almost killed her had they not have blown to bits.

After a few moments, the area went silent.

"We clear?" Soap asked.
"For now.." Ghost said with a sigh. "Stay sharp on that tree line.."

Theresa moved to see if she could assist the injured marine with the little time they had. She'd hate herself if she didn't give him something to ease the pain he was in.

"They're still out there!" The Alpha member called.

Theresa didn't respond, just nodded and pulled some medical equipment out from her kit.

"7-6, call for fire. I want close air on that treeline."

The words pulled Theresa out of the trance she had been in. Fuck. Close air. She knew it was useful, and that it would almost definitely save their asses, but she shuddered at the thought that the pilot might end up mis-firing and accidentally shoot one of them. It had always been a fear of hers.

"Rog. Calling it in." She heard someone over comms say.

Theresa didn't listen to the conversation Ghost had with the pilot, if you could even call it that. She focused on the marine, giving him a sedative and a few painkillers. She bandaged him up, but that was all she could do with the limited time and resources she had.

Soap even came over and helped for a moment, holding her equipment for her as she stitched up a cut he had on his forehead. He really used it as an excuse to talk to her and look at her, but he was glad he was able to be useful to her.

"Hey!" The Alpha member called, forcing the two out of their senses of concentration, Theresa's on her patient and John's on Theresa.

"We got smoke at the treeline!"

"Damn it.." Theresa said to herself as she put her things away. All they could do now was hope that the marine would make it.

The two took their positions again and pulled out their snipers.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now