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Ghost left Theresa and John in the kitchen. He went straight to the gym, and he worked out for an hour or so.

He preferred working out early because not many people were up. There were times when he'd get up at 4 in the morning just so he wouldn't have to exercise with other people. He wasn't embarrassed about his body or anything, on the contrary he's very proud of his build, and he'd wear tight shirts around base to show it off, he just wasn't a fan of having people around him when he exercised.

Once a large group of recruits came in, he grabbed his things and left. They said good morning and Ghost did the same, but he was quick to leave before any conversation could start.

He took a quick shower and went to his office to try and get ahead of any paperwork he might have.

Simon knew that he'd have to leave again soon, so he made as much as he could out of the peace and quiet he could have before it was stripped from him again.

He took a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it and bringing it up to his lips. He knew he shouldn't smoke, but he couldn't help it. He tried to quit, but it was the only thing that took his mind off being buried alive.

He still gets nightmares almost every night, and would lay awake to stop them.

Simon related to Theresa in that way, he knew they were kindred spirits. Price told him about her insomnia, and he wouldn't be surprised if he told her about what happened to him.

He knew Price wouldn't tell her everything though. Price was a very respectful man, and if somebody wanted to confide in someone, Price would be the man to go to.

Ghost was glad of that. Simon was glad of that.

It was Price that encouraged Ghost to go to therapy after 'The Incident'. That's what they called it. Simon couldn't go into detail about what happened because he'd have a panic attack just thinking about it.

But Price helped him with it. He was like a father to him. It was no secret that Simon Riley didn't have a good father.

The Riley family murders were in the news for months, and it didn't take long for the soldiers to realise that it was their Lieutenants family.

Simon grew anxiety when they did. Then they found out what his father did to him. Bringing animals home and scaring him with them. The time he forced him to kiss a snake. The times his brother Tommy didn't help him. The times his mother couldn't help him.

 He thought they judged him. They didn't, but he thought they did.

But Price helped him with it.

And he was eternally grateful to him for it.

He took one last, long drag of his cigarette, before putting it out in the ashtray on his desk, before picking up his pen and getting started on it.

Ghost got through a good amount of his work before his phone rang.


"Simon, glad I caught you, Lad." A familiar voice over the line said.

"Price. What's happening?"

"Mexican cartel's helping Hassan. Laswell's got allies, but they need you and the Shadows over there. They're sending a team out tonight so they need youin Las Almas  in the morning."

"Got it. I'll tell Graves."

Just as he was about to hang up, Price spoke up.

"I know you hate Mexico after The Incident. But nothing like that's going to happen."

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now