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The two slept for a good few hours, waking up when a rookie accidentally hit Theresa's window with a football.

It didn't help that they were both so close to each other either. They could hear each other's heartbeats, and boy, were they both quick.

"What time is it?" Theresa asked. She kept her hands over her eyes, not wanting to wake up, but knowing she would have to.

She heard Soap groan and reach over to check his phone.

"Just past 2.. We should probably get our bags packed.. I've never been to Mexico."

His voice was deep from only waking up, causing Theresa to unknowingly blush because of how manly he sounded.

"Probably hot." She chuckled, sitting up and grabbing a hoodie and jeans to get changed into for the day.

"You're joking." He joked, feigning a shocked face. "Mind blown there Lass."

"Hardy Har." She replied, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes and you might find a brain back there. If you're lucky." He held in a laugh, knowing it would only make her roll her eyes even more.

"That sounds like something you'd hear on those shitty tik toks where some pick-me who plays roblox is trying to sound cool." She said, not even trying to hide the cringe on her face.

"Yeah.. but you love it." He even puckered his lips to further his point, causing the girl to chuckle, and him to smile because of it.

Theresa puckered her lips back, in the same teasing way John did.

"Yeah, I love a man who acts like a kid.. mhm, that's the hottest thing a man could do if you ask me.." 

"Well that sounds like me.." He chuckled, raising his arm to flex his bicep.

He tried to mask how flustered his comment made him, not wanting her to know the effect she had on him. Not yet, anyway.

Theresa didn't pick up on the small pink tint in his cheeks, probably because she was too busy gawking at his bicep, but she would never admit that. Or that her gaze lowered down to his still exposed chest. It was like he was asking her to check him out.

She would admit however, that John MacTavish was incredibly well-built. And, if she was pressured to, would also admit that he was shredded. And that she found it attractive. But she would have to be really pressured to admit that.

The two stood admiring the other for a moment before they both came to their senses and averted their gazes.

"I'll leave you to pack then Flower.." He mumbled, moving to the door.

"See you later then, Johnny." She smiled over to him, nodding her head.

Theresa got dressed after he shut the door, and grabbed her case to pack. She still had a few things in it since she still hadn't fully unpacked yet, but most of her clothes were tucked away in her drawers and wardrobe, so she stuck in an earphone and got to work.


John was used to leaving base a lot to deploy to other countries, so he got into a routine of re-packing his suitcase for when he needed it next to save him time, so all he had to do was pull it out from under his bed.

He knew that Theresa probably did have to pack though, and went to his room to get dressed while he thought about what he'd do to keep himself occupied until she was done.

As he reached his room, he realised that Ghost was right - they had pretty much been glued to the hip since she got here, and Soap was used to always being around Theresa now, and found himself missing her when she wasn't around, even though he'd only known her a week.

Then it dawned on him, he knew that he was single and that he liked her, but he didn't know if she was. For all he knew, he was falling for somebody's girlfriend, and the thought didn't sit well with him.

Soap got changed, and thought of a way he could nonchalantly ask Theresa if she was single. He hoped she was, and that he could ask her out when all this was over.

He decided to go to the gym to take his mind off of Theresa for the first time since he had met the girl, and grabbed his headphones before he left, deciding to spend a good amount of time there.


About an hour or two had passed, and Theresa had finished packing, and was sitting in her office drinking some energy drink she kept in her fridge and playing with her pen between her fingers while she looked over some documents she had left and John had been on practically every machine in the gym.

He went to the kitchen, half expecting to see Theresa there, baking some random treat like she sometimes would when she had a sweet tooth.

When he found that she wasn't he figured she'd probably be in her office, not wanting to sit in her room all day.

He also figured that she'd be hungry, so he decided to make her something, but he wasn't sure what to make her. 

He decided to make her something easy and traditional - a deep fried Mars bar. The fact that Theresa loved chocolate made it so much easier.

Theresa heard a knock on her door and turned her head.

"Come in." She called, pulling down her headphones and putting her pen on her desk.

"Hey Lass." John smiled, walking in with a paper plate full of the sweet he made. "I thought you might be hungry, and I can't cook for shite, so I made these. Pure Scottish dish an' all."

His laugh made Theresa smile, and she happily turned to take one of the snacks.

"Thank you.. I appreciate it."


He watched as she raised the chocolate to her lips as she took a bite out of it.

"Could've fooled me, MacTavish, this is great." She said, licking her top lip after she bit it, feeling melted chocolate on it.

"Ach, ye flatter me." John smiled at her, glad she liked what he had made, and noticed the chocolate on her lip.

Seeing an opportunity to get close to her, he leaned in slowly.

"Ye made quite the mess there Lass.. Your poor boyfriend must get tired of having to clean up after you so much.." His tone was teasing as he slowly wiped her lip with his thumb, as though it would be the closest he'd ever get to her lips, but there was sincerity in his voice, sincerity that he didn't want her to pick up on.

Theresa was silent as he wiped her lip, her eyes fixed on him as he spoke, a frown almost appearing on her face when he mentioned her having a boyfriend. Almost.

"Lucky enough I don't have one then, isn't it? Save him from putting up with me being a slob." Her voice was the exact same tone as John's, teasing, with a hint of sincerity that she didn't want him to pick up on.

Soap was internally doing backflips when she said it, but did his best to hide any emotion from showing on his face.

"Ah, I'm only teasing Lass. You'll find somebody. Maybe you just aren't looking in the right places."

What he wanted to say, was 'Well that's handy, because I'm falling deeply in love with you and want nothing more than to kiss you right now.' But he thought that was a stretch.

Theresa shrugged her shoulders before she spoke again.

"Might have to agree with you on that one. Only the wrong places. But it's fine, being in the military doesn't make for the easiest dating life." A chuckle followed her words, and John felt a surge of confidence go through him.

"Let me prove you wrong then."

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now