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Theresa was deadweight in John's arms as she slept. He didn't dare move in case he would wake her up. He checked over her every couple of seconds, making sure that she was alright.

He moved some of her hair from her face and leaned his head back on the wall behind him. John saw a marine looking at the two and shot him and angry look, making him look away. The sergeant didn't care if anyone started any gossip about them, if they did he'd deal with it.

Simply asking them to stop spreading rumours, and if they didn't, Soap would take a more physical approach.

He thought back to the marine that had been goggling at Theresa back in Al Mazrah. A grimace appeared on his face at the thought, but when he imagined beating him up, the expression was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

John had grown extremely protective over Theresa in the few days he had known her, and he wasn't sure why. It was only when he saw the look on the marine's face as he looked at her that he had realized it was him that should be the only one to look at her like that.

The man looked down at the sleeping sergeant again. His face turned soft as he took in each of her features. He saw how relaxed she seemed to be. Before his brain could even comprehend that he had done so, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. It just felt like a natural thing for him to do.

Theresa smiled softly in her sleep and John felt himself smile wider because of it.

'I bet that bampot couldn't make her smile like that.' he thought to himself.

John leaned back with a proud expression and waited for the helicopter to land, his thoughts constantly on the sleeping girl next to him.


The helicopter landed softly on the tarmac a couple hours later with a soft thud, pulling the Scotsman out of the light sleep he had been in. He looked up and saw everyone standing and getting off.

He gently nudged Theresa's shoulder to wake her up.

"Come on Lass, we're back." He whispered.

She stirred slightly in her sleep, and her eyes slowly opened. She looked up at him at it took her a moment to fully understand what he was saying.

John chuckled and helped her up.

"Ye may need me tae carry ye, won't ye Lass?" He joked.

"I wouldn't mind now you say.." She giggled tiredly.

"Well, you're too hurt to walk yourself so I should do the noble thing.." He said, leaning down to her height and gesturing to her ear.

Theresa rolled her eyes at him lowering himself, even though it was only a couple of inches.

"I am.. I may never walk again.." She said somberly with a small yawn.

John laughed and picked her up bridal style, earning a small yelp from Theresa, who hadn't actually expected him to pick her up and carry her.

"I'm a man of my word Lass." He smiled at her reaction.

John then carried her to her office, opened the door and sat her down on the bed in the corner, before moving to grab the first-aid kit.

"There's dried blood on yer ear. Quite a bit actually." He said as he turned to her again. "Lie down." He instructed.

Theresa decided not to argue and made herself comfortable as John pulled out the office chair and sat beside her.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now