7. (i.)

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The next couple of days flew by. John and Theresa had grown close in the quick amount of time. They had trained together, watched movies together, they even cooked together when the two realized that the kitchen didn't have the best desert collection.

Soon enough, they found themselves in a truck with some marines that was driving them to the helo that would take them to Al Mazrah to find Hassan.

Theresa had found herself in her office with Soap reading over the file several times the day before, contemplating all the ways the mission could go. But now, in her gear getting ready to deploy, she was excited. Like every time she was deployed to a new mission, she would find herself nervous beforehand, but come time to actually go, she couldn't get there fast enough.

She looked over at Soap, who offered her a comforting smile as they got closer and closer to the helo.

As they got there, she saw Ghost talking to someone, presumably Shepherd, over comms. Once she and Soap had jumped out of the truck, she watched as he moved over to Ghost.

"Let's get ourselves a win, yeah LT?" He playfully punched his shoulder before speaking again.

"Save ya a seat, sir." after he said this, he jogged back over to where Theresa had been standing.

She giggled to herself as she heard the masked man say;

"Fuckin' hell."

The two sat down in the helicopter and waited for the rest of the marines to load in, Ghost following them in close persuit. After a few minutes, they were wheels up in the air.

As Soap and Theresa were talking, he moved the topic over to her callsign again.

"The rest of the team still don't have one for ya Flower.. I may just have to tell them all to call you that.." he teased.

"If you do, I'll shoot you." She responded teasingly, but Soap thought that there was the tiniest bit of sincerity in her words.

"You wouldn't do that.. ye love me too much." He broke off in a slight laugh as the girl rolled her eyes.

Before he could carry on with his teasing, Laswell started talking over comms, and a screen turned on with detailed mission plans on it.

She began informing everyone the plan, telling them that they believed that AQ had been hiding something.

"Surveillance indicates soldiers guarding three structures." She started.

"Major Hassan may be holed up inside. Ghost, Soap and Theresa will lead a Marine Special Operations unit to kill or capture Hassan, tonight."

Theresa rolled her neck to relax herself quickly as she listened to the Station Chief speak.

"One helo will insert two teams at separate offset points bordering the target area. Bravo Team will sweep and clear buildings one and two. Alpha Team takes building three."

Theresa watched the screen show where the two teams would be located as she cracked her knuckles.

"All shooters have execute authority but we want Hassan alive for interrogation."

Theresa felt the helo begin to descend, and grabbed her rifle, pulling closer to her chest to make it easier to stand.

"And be advised." Laswell spoke again. "Major Hassan is AQ's lifeline. If he is there, they will die for him. Good Hunting.." She trailed off slightly as she spoke those last words, and Theresa noticed it. She glanced over at Soap and was almost certain that they were thinking the same thing - Its gonna be hard to catch this guy.

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now