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Soap watched the girl as she laid on his shoulder, unsure of what to do. He contemplated picking her up and laying her in her bed, moving so she was in a more comfortable position, waking her up - the lot.

In the end, he decided not to move, afraid that he would accidentally wake her up. He liked having her asleep on his shoulder, and he wasn't sure why. He was certain that he was fond of her, despite only knowing her for a day.

As he continued to watch the movie, he kept glancing down at her to make sure she was alright. He felt her stir in her sleep, and thought that Theresa was waking up, but when he looked down, he saw a pained expression on her face, it was evident that she was having a nightmare - and a bad one at that.

He was instantly worried, and gave her a gentle shake, not wanting to hurt or scare her. When that didn't work, and Soap thought he saw her getting worse, he moved to whisper in her ear;

"Hey Lass, y'alright? I'm here, ye did'nae need tae worry.."

He did his best to comfort her, not knowing what to say, or even if she could hear him, but he felt relieved when a small smile replaced the worried expression that coated her face. Soap then moved his arm to gently stroke her back, and continued to whisper every so often, in case she got scared again.

Eventually, the movie ended, and Soap turned it off. He found himself in the same situation he had been in before, not sure about what to do with the sleeping girl.

He yawned and realized how tired he was. He figured that he would rest his eyes for a couple of minutes and then work out what his next moves should be.


Theresa felt her neck go stiff. Her senses were slowly coming back to her, and she was beginning to become more alert.

She felt weight on top of her head. She didn't immediately look for the source, instead looking to the nearest window, seeing that it was light.

Theresa then looked up to find the source of the weight she felt on her head, and felt her eyes widen when she did.

She saw Soap asleep on her head with one of his arms wrapped around her. She hadn't even realized.

The girl did her best to sneak out of the man's grasp, and was convinced she would get away with it, when all of a sudden, he pulled her back in. Theresa sat silent in his arms as she thought of how to get out. She knew she didn't want to have to wake him up, knowing that that would be an awkward conversation to have. She devised multiple plans in her head, and played through them all to see if they would work out in her favor, that she would get out without waking him up.

In the end, she realized that all she could do was wait. It killed her. Theresa had an incredible attention span, hell - she could sit for hours watching paint dry if she needed to, but the idea of her having to sit completely still in Soap's arms trying not to wake him up seemed incredibly tedious. She wasn't sure if she would be able to.

After a few minutes, Theresa felt him slowly stir in his sleep, and realized that he was waking up. She froze and shut her eyes as he woke up, not wanting him to let her know that she was already awake.

She heard him yawn, then felt him reach his arms out to stretch. She wasn't sure if he had opened his eyes yet, but she was completely certain he did when she heard him chuckle. Theresa had to fight the urge to open her eyes, and was almost certain that she was squinting her eyes entirely shut.

It was silent for a moment, neither of them moved, almost as if they were both afraid to. Theresa was just about to admit defeat and pretend to wake up again when;

"I know you're awake, Lass," a Scottish accent rang in her ear.


Theresa decided to pretend to wake up anyway, take no notice to what he said. So she stretched out, her eyes still tightly shut, and she batted her eyes open, sighing.

Then, she widened her eyes when she saw him, exaggerating the motion.

"What happened?" She darted her head around as she quickly got up, hoping her acting was convincing.

"You're gonna pretend to be asleep anyway then, huh?" he chuckled, as though he found it amusing.

Damn it. Those acting classes must have been awful if none of it stuck. Theresa Thought to herself.

"Alright, I'll bite.. We were watching a movie last night, and you fell asleep halfway through it. I didn't move you to your bed because I didn't want to wake ye, and I fell asleep meself 'fore I was able to figure out what to do."

"and no we didn't do anything, and no I didn't intend to do anything when you lost consciousness. That answer your question Lass?" he spoke fluently, although he had a thick morning voice after just waking up. Theresa found herself being very fond of his voice.

"I didn't think you did.. I have a lot of respect for you and I wouldn't imagine you doing anything like that." Theresa responded, trying to have the same fluency as she spoke, but found it hard, as she kept yawning.

"I do have one more question though.. its a two parter.. what time did I fall asleep around and what time is it now?" She tried to answer the question as calmly as she could, but Soap could easily hear the desperation in her voice.

"It was around half 11, and its.." he broke off as he looked to his watch, and it took a moment for his eyes to fully comprehend where the arrows were pointing. "half 8 now.. why do you ask?"

Theresa could hardly comprehend what he said and looked at the watch herself, as if he had lied about the time.

"9 hours..." she said quietly to herself, although Soap could hear her as loud as day. He looked at her and tilted his head while a confused expression coated his face. "What do you mean 9 hours? Is it an important thing or something?"

It was obvious Soap was confused, and it was also obvious he didn't want to intrude on Theresa's privacy. She could have easily told him that she didn't feel confiding in a man that she had only known for a day, and he expected her to respond as such, but was surprised at how she did react.

"I slept for 9 hours.. I haven't slept for so long in years! The longest I've slept was around an hour spread over the course of last week! I need to tell Price when he comes back!"

The girl went on ranting about how happy and how glad she was that she got some rest, and the Scotsman couldn't help but to listen to every word. He took in everything that she said, how she had been struggling with insomnia for years, how this was the easiest time she had ever fallen asleep in her entire life, how it was one of the best night's sleep she had ever had. He couldn't help but feel himself light up because of how happy the girl was, as if her being in a good mood could instantly put him into a good mood. He wondered if she felt the same way.

After a few moments, Theresa had realized that she had practically told the man her entire life story. She looked at him and expected him to be zoned out, or be judgmental, but was surprised to turn and see him smiling softly at her, taking in every word that she said.

"Sorry.. I didn't realize I was rambling.." She apologized, but Soap stood from the sofa and placed his hands on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Hey, calm down.. Its fine.. you don't have to apologize to me.. I'm happy you were able to rest." He reassured her and smiled.

Theresa felt her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as she smiled back.

"Thank you Soap.." she said.

"Call me John, Lass.."

"Okay then John."

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now