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Theresa spent the rest of the day in her office, reading through medical files and filling out paperwork. She didn't actually mind it, in some twisted way, it relaxed her - any form of writing did.

She had headphones on and didn't hear the knock on her door. She was whistling to the song she was listening to and didn't notice Soap enter the room with two mugs. She started bobbing her head to the beat as he set the mugs down, and he leaned against the wall watching her, trying not to laugh.

Theresa then began to tap her fingers on the desk, looking for something, and swivelled her chair around in hopes to find it, and, in doing so, saw Soap nearly choking as he contained his laughter.

"Jesus Christ! What are you doing here? How long have you been standing there?" She yelped. She didn't jump out of her seat or scream, but Soap saw how her eyes widened slightly when she noticed him.

At her question, he burst out into laughter. It only worsened at the seemingly angry expression on the girl's face. He took a moment to compose himself before responding.

"You're a good dancer, Lass" he giggled.

"Shut up and answer the question.. or I'll bench you.." Theresa threatened in a teasing manner, beginning to see the humor in the situation.

"You've been in here all day so I thought you might be thirsty.. Price told me you liked coffee, so I made you a cup."

He handed the mug to her and she thanked him.

"You didn't need to do that.. thank you though..."

She blew on the cup before setting it on the desk to let it cool down, the Scotsman taking notice of the action.

"You aren't thirsty?" He asked.

"No I am, I just leave it a couple of minutes to cool down. I've burned my mouth too many times in the past that I don't take the risk anymore." She joked.

"Been there," he replied. "what're ya doin'?"

She shrugged before she answered. "Just some paperwork the old medic never finished. I thought that I might as well get it over with now."

Soap thought it was admirable of her, not even being here a day and already getting ahead on work.

"You mind if I sit with ya?" he asked her.

"Not at all.. honestly I'd prefer the company."

Theresa responded honestly. She had never been used to being completely alone. She had always had an animal or a pestering family member around while she worked, so she had become used to having something living around her.

The two sat in a comfortable silence for a while, drinking their coffee and doing nothing in particular.

Soap then checked his watch, 18:30.

"Price and Gaz'll be leaving soon. If you want we can both go and see them off."

Theresa nodded and felt a slight pit in her stomach. "Aye.. let's go.."

She picked up her mug and closed the file she had been working on. For some reason, she felt a twinge of worry for Price and Gaz for their upcoming mission, and she wasn't sure why. She had seen Price off hundreds of times and never worried about him, knowing he was entirely able to protect himself, so why was this time any different?

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now