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"You hungry?"


"I'm guessing you're hungry, y'know since ye don't know where the mess hall is 'n stuff so ye probably haven't eaten yet th'day." Soap said.

"Ah, right. Uh aye, a bit. I ate a of bar of chocolate that I had inside my bag but I wouldn't mind eating some actual food." I responded.

"Nobody'll really be there - they'd all've finished their breakfast a while ago." Soap informed me as he guided me to where I'd be getting my food for however long I'd be stationed here.

We were both silent for the first minute or so of the walk, until Soap broke it;

"So you're a farmer, eh?"

"Yup. My Ma and Da got the place off an aunt or uncle or something a couple years before I was born so it was sorta my fate that I was going to be one. And my Da had a farm when he was young too so it was kinda wired into my blood." I responded.

"When I was a lad we had a couple o' cows. Wouldn't class it as a farm but."

"Do you have a big family?" I asked. For some reason, I felt myself easily opening up to the Scotsman, our conversation easily flowing.

He chuckled slightly and nodded. "Massive. Christmas was mental. Still is."

We chatted until we reached the mess hall. Soap opened the door, revealing an empty dining room, tables and chairs scattered around the room with a table at the side of the room housing all of the food.

"Because it's so late we've missed most of the food, but no-one really ever touches the cereal over here." Soap said as he maneuvered skillfully through the littered chairs that hadn't been pushed in properly, grabbing two clean bowls and spoons as he went.

"You haven't eaten yet?" I asked him. I had assumed that that was why he was late to the meeting.

"Nah, wasn't really hungry. Anyway, it was probably a good thing, at least we can both eat at the same time - would've been awkward if I hadda wait or something."

I nodded slightly. "Worked out well then." I joked.

He smiled as he poured the two bowls of cereal and pouring milk into the two.

"Have a seat madame." Soap joked, bowing slightly as he pulled a chair out for me.

I laughed responding; "Why thank you, kind sir." giving him a small curtsy before sitting down.

We ate silently for a good few minutes before Soap asked me;

"You're Irish, right?"

"Mhm, why?"

"Do you speak any?"

"I'm fluent actually. My granny lived about two minutes away from us and her next-door neighbor was my nursery school teacher, so I've been learning since I was able to speak. And my Granny and Mother were both friendly with my primary school principal since my Ma was a wain. Even my secondary school was completely Irish. We actually got in trouble if we spoke any English."

Soap looked slightly taken aback. "Seriously? You got in trouble?"

I sat back in my seat slightly before responding to him. "Yup. We had to come up with signal when a teacher came walking past, saying 'tree' or something then changing our conversations to a tree that looked cool or something. People got sent to the principals office in secondary school all the time. We were able to get away with it for a while in first year saying that we just weren't used to having classes with people from across the county or something."

This sent him into a fit of laughter. "Tha thu a' magadh." He said in between breaths as he laughed.

Although I don't speak Scottish, it and Irish were pretty similar, so I could understand what he was saying. He was asking if I was joking.

"Níl mé, tá mé ag innis an fhírinne." (I'm not, I'm telling you the truth.)

Since I replied in Irish, I didn't know whether or not he would understand what I said, but I thought it would have been funny to almost mimic him.

He must have, since he almost instantly stopped laughing, his face contorting in confusion.

"You speak Scottish?"

"Nope, you speak Irish?"

It was funny watching the Scotsman try to figure out how we understood each other if we didn't speak the other's language. Had I not been careful, his face would've been covered in the cereal I had in my mouth - I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

I'm guessing by my reaction that he finally put the pieces together, his face turning into a proud expression once he had come to the answer he had been looking for.

"They're the same language!" He exclaimed.

"Nearly the same." I chuckled, to which Soap shrugged his shoulders, deeming his answer as 'Close enough'.

He abruptly picked the two now-empty bowls up after a while, placing them in a tub along with some others, informing me that they'd be cleaned soon and that they weren't cleaned yet for instances such as these, then guided me out of the room.

"Ready for your personal guided tour Sergeant?"

"Yes sir."

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now