Pilot Pt.1

251 3 0

Word count- 3322

The ominous sound of my door lock being released echoes in my tiny cell. I turn my gaze towards the door, only to be met with a chilling sight - four guards marching in, their expressions emotionless and determined. I instinctively rise from my seat, adhering to the familiar protocol when guards enter.

But this time, something feels off. Instead of merely inspecting my surroundings or examining my conduct, they seize my arm with an iron grip, clamping a strange cuff around it. "Hey! What the hell?! I still have 10 months until I turn 18!" I attempt to free my arm from their grasp, but they don't let go.

Panic rises within me as they forcefully pull me out of the room, disregarding my pleas and desperation. "NO, STOP!" I thrash around, trying desperately to break free from their relentless grip. My frantic attempts are interrupted abruptly when I catch a glimpse of what is unfolding outside my cell. The scene freezes me in my tracks. My heart sinks.

 I see almost a hundred kids being herded towards the exit. Confused and concerned, I turn to one of the guards, "What's happening?" His response is a mere grunt.

My attention shifts to the left, spotting someone I recognize.  "Dr. Griffin?" I call out, seeking some answers. She turns her gaze towards me. "Y/n," she utters softly, stepping closer to embrace me. Her whispered words send shivers down my spine, "Watch over Clarke." Before I can respond, I'm hurriedly pushed into a dropship.

Inside the dropship, I find myself strapped into a seat across from a wall adorned with numerous straps. The situation seems surreal as others join, filling the seats around me. Among the familiar faces, I spot Jasper and he exclaims with delight, "Holy... Y/N? Is that you?" Laughter escapes my lips, and I nod playfully, "Wow, long time no see." My gaze then falls on the boy beside Jasper. "Monty?" I call out. He looks up, surprised, "Y/N?" I nod smiling.

Before we can catch-up, the ship jolts, signaling our entry into the atmosphere. "Looks like we're home." A TV screen lights up, playing a message from Jaha.

"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this not merely as an opportunity for yourselves, but as a chance for all of us, for the very future of humankind. We don't know what awaits you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we'd have sent others. But your crimes have made you expendable." The chancellor's words resonate through the air, met with my disdainful eye roll. "We were expendable before our crimes," I retort, not holding back my cynicism. Someone from the crowd yells, "Your dad is a dick, Wells!" I can't help but laugh and yell, "Damn right!"

As the chancellor continues his address, my attention wanes, and I glance around, indifferent to his words. Suddenly, a familiar voice breaks the tension, as Finn Collins makes a grand entrance, floating gracefully through the air. The sight of him prompts cheers from the crowd, and people start to loosen their seatbelts in excitement. However, Clarke, says "HEY YOU TWO STAY PUT IF YOU WANT TO LIVE" her warning is met with many grumbles amoungst the crowd, but Clarke's authoritative nature doesn't bother me; in fact, we used to be friends before I ended up incarcerated.

The entire ship quakes violently, causing a chorus of terrified screams. "HOLY SHIT!" I can't help but yell as the guy sitting next to me starts fervently praying. Sparks sizzle and fly from the ceiling, adding to the chaos and panic. "HOLY SHIT, HOL-" Then, as suddenly as it began, the shaking stops, leaving an eerie silence hanging in the air. Everyone remains silent, trying to process what just happened.

Breaking the tense stillness, Monty speaks up, "Listen, no machine hum." His words ring true, and it dawns on us that the ship's engines have ceased. And for the first time in our entire lives, the sounds of machines don't fill our brains. The seat belts release automatically, allowing everyone to stand up, cautiously navigating the aftermath of the crash. I rush over to Jasper, and together, we exchange a relieved high five. "I can check surviving a crash off my bucket list," I say laughing slightly.

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