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Word count-1450

Bellamy holds his gun steady, peering through the scope, while Finn and Sterling cautiously trail behind with Murphy in the middle. Bellamy turns to Murphy, his tone firm, "Alright, Murphy, where to now?" Murphy raises his cuffed hands, "I say we lose these first, alright?" I immediately shake my head, adamant, "No way in hell." 

Murphy looks between us, gesturing towards the dense trees, "Hey, if we get attacked out here, I have nothing to defend myself-" Bellamy interrupts him without hesitation, "I don't care." Finn starts to undo Murphy's handcuffs, and I shoot him a disapproving glance, "Thank you," Murphy says, flexing his hands. Bellamy grabs Finn's arm as he attempts to walk away, "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" 

Finn looks back at Murphy, "It was your idea to bring him." Bellamy nods, still holding Finn's arm, "Yeah, because he's the only one who's seen where the Grounders keep their prisoners." Finn picks up his gun, "Then we probably shouldn't let him be defenseless out here. We can handle Murphy." Bellamy glares at Finn, his frustration evident, "Better hope so." Murphy interjects with a sly smile, "So, do I get a gun now?" Bellamy shakes his head and pushes Murphy forward, his tone stern, "Shut up, Murphy," I add, rolling my eyes.

As we walk in silence, Murphy suddenly signals us to get down. "Everybody down! Now!" he commands, pulling us into a crouched position. "This is it. Told you I'd find it," he says, pointing towards the village behind us. 

Bellamy raises his gun and peers through the scope, his expression tense. "I see nothing but Grounders. Our people aren't here," he reports. Finn, too, looks through his gun scope and observes, "Wait a minute, they've got stuff from our dropship." 

Bellamy's eyes narrow, "Maybe they know where our friends are." Murphy rolls his eyes cynically, "Yeah, or maybe they killed them already." I clench my jaw at his insensitive words. Finn lowers his gun and exclaims, "Son of a bitch!" Bellamy raises his gun towards the direction Finn was looking, questioning, "What about it?"

Finn points, "The guy with the one eye. Around his neck." Bellamy examines the sight and then hands me his gun. Through the scope, I spot a Grounder wearing Clarke's watch around his neck. I return the gun to Bellamy, explaining, "He's got Clarke's watch." Finn adds, "It was her father's." I focus on the man again, stating firmly, "She wouldn't give that up without a fight." Finn agrees, "Neither will we." Bellamy instructs, "Ok, you're with me." 

He gestures to Finn and me and then addresses Monroe and Sterling, "You two stay here. If things go south, take out the other Grounders, but don't shoot the one with the watch. Copy?" Monroe and Sterling nod in acknowledgment, "Copy."  I nod my head. "What about Murphy?" Murphy smiles "Yeah do I get a gun now?" Bellamy smirks "Something like that." 

Behind a tree, Murphy crafts a diversion, hitting two rocks together to attract the attention of the Grounder with the watch. As the Grounder approaches the tree, I look through the scope of my gun, ready to shoot if things go awry. Bellamy strikes the Grounder from behind, rendering him unconscious. 

I step out and stand beside them. I pick up the watch and stare at its face. Turning to Finn, I hand it to him. He looks surprised but nods. "We need to take him somewhere quiet," Bellamy suggests. Finn replies confidently, "I know just the place.

Finn leads us through the woods until we reach a clearing. "Why are we stopping?" I ask curiously. Finn moves aside some leaves, revealing a hidden door. "What the hell?" He opens the door, and we all climb down into an underground bunker. 

As we descend, the Grounder regains consciousness, and Bellamy takes charge of the interrogation. I explore the bunker, glancing at the various items scattered around. At the back of the bunker, I find old family photos, "Gone." 

The sound of Bellamy's voice grows louder, and I return to the interrogation room. I walk in to see the Grounder bloodied and Bellamy determined. "We're gonna do this again, and this time you're gonna stop screwing with us. Where did you find this?" Bellamy demands, holding up Clarke's watch. 

The Grounder replies coldly, "I told you, I found it outside your camp." Finn dismisses his answer, "He's lying. She would never take it off voluntarily." Bellamy nods, "I know." Finn steps forward, his frustration evident, "Where is the girl who was wearing this watch!?" he yells. 

The Grounder remains silent, and Murphy scoffs, "Another lie. Maybe you should stop asking him nicely." I roll my eyes, "Shut up, Murphy. Where are our friends? We know you took them. Just tell us where they are." I step closer to the Grounder. 

Still, the Grounder remains silent. Finn loses his patience, "Murphy's right, we're wasting time." He strikes the Grounder in the head with his gun, demanding an answer. "Answer the question!" he yells. 

Bellamy steps in, grabbing Finn's arm before he can strike the Grounder again. "Hey! Hey!" Finn brandishes the watch, his emotions boiling over, "Where is the girl who was wearing this watch?!" 

He continues hitting the Grounder repeatedly. "Finn..." I interject, concerned. Bellamy intervenes, pulling Finn away from the Grounder. "Finn, stop. We don't want to do this, trust me. There are some lines you can't uncross."

Finn's anger continues to flare as he demands to know Clarke's whereabouts. He starts hitting the Grounder again, and I immediately step in, pulling him away. "Finn! Take a breath!" I yell at him, trying to calm him down. He looks down, still gripping the gun tightly. I speak firmly, "Put down the gun, Finn." Bellamy joins in, trying to reason with him, "You don't want to do this." But Finn remains resolute, re-aiming the gun at the Grounder.

"Three seconds! Three! Two! One!" Finn threatens, and the Grounder starts talking in a desperate attempt to save himself. "Okay! Okay! I'll tell you! Your friends are east of here, in the village where we take our prisoners of war." I let out a sigh of relief. Finn continues pressing for more details, "East, where? How do we get to them?"

The Grounder promises to draw us a map, and Finn asks me to find something for him to use. I hand him a piece of paper, and he begins drawing the map. In the midst of all this, I turn to Bellamy and express my concerns, "This is not how we do things." Murphy smirks, trying to taunt us, "You thought I was the crazy one, huh?" I shoot him a disapproving look but find myself questioning the same thing.

The grounder finishes drawing the map, and Finn takes charge, issuing the order to gather our gear as we prepare to leave. Sterling raises concerns about what to do with the Grounder, pointing his gun at him. "No, we leave him. Deal with him when we're done," I assert. Murphy objects, worried about the Grounder's potential escape and the risks it poses. Firmly, I say, "We're not killing him!"

Murphy shakes his head "I don't really see another option. If we don't care of this now it'll blow back on us and you know that." Bellamy points the the grounder. "He's unarmed, Murphy" Murphy scoffs, dismissing Bellamy, "He's a grounder. Really, come on, tell him!" Monroe shakes her head and says "I don't know", to which Murphy bitterly laughs, "You don't know what? He's gonna tell his people everything. We're as good as dead. Our friends too."

Bellamy and I share a look I shake my head. Bellamy looks at them, "We're not doing this, end of discussion. You want him, you go through me." Murphy rolls his eyes, taunting Bellamy about his past actions, "What exactly happened to you? You're acting like you've never killed a grounder before." Bellamy stands his ground, "That was in battle. This would be an execution-"

Before he can finish his sentence, a sudden gunshot pierces the air, startling all of us. We flinch as we turn around, witnessing Finn standing over the dead Grounder, smoking gun in hand. He says, "Let's get moving." I'm left stunned, my gaze fixed on Finn.

As we emerge from the bunker, I can't help but fixate on Finn's actions. My gaze shifts between him and Bellamy, who appears focused on the map. "Alright, let's go," Bellamy declares, leading the way along the path the Grounder had marked. I follow Bellamy, intentionally avoiding eye contact with Finn. Every time I at glance at him, the haunting image of the pool of red forming around the Grounder's head replays in my mind.

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