Contents Under Pressure

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Word count- 4242

I stand beside Raven in the dropship as she desperately tries to establish communication with Ark Station. "This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. Come in Ark Station. This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. Please come in." She glances back at Finn who still has the knife sticking out of his chest. "Please, please. Can anybody hear me?" Her voice echoes with urgency. A girl approaches, trying to be helpful, "Are you sure you have the right frequency?" Raven responds sharply, "Yeah, I'm sure."

Clarke walks over, trying to offer support, "Raven... You can do this. Okay?" Raven persists in her attempts to make contact with the station. Clarke moves to Finn's side and grimaces as she tends to his wound. He lies on a makeshift bed, looking pale and weak. Meanwhile, Raven keeps talking into the radio, her worry evident, "Calling Ark Station. Ark station. Please come in. I'm on the ground with the hundred. We need you."

As Raven continues to call out, I approach Clarke. "Hey," I say gently. She looks up from attending to Finn, concern evident in her eyes. "I-I don't know-" she begins, unsure of the situation. I nod reassuringly, "Hey, Raven will get through." Clarke nods.

Then a male voice crackles through the radio, "This is a restricted station. Who is this? Please identify yourself." I rush over to Raven, and she starts speaking into the transmitter, "This is Raven Reyes. I- I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Doctor Abby Griffin. Doctor Abby Griffin. Now."

There's a moment of silence before the response comes, "Hang on Raven, we're trying to boost your signal." Another pause follows, and then Abby's voice comes through, "Raven? Are you there?" Clarke walks over and chimes in, "Mom? Mom, it's me." She looks up with hope in her eyes, but her expression shifts to worry, "Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a Grounder."

Jaha's voice comes through next, "Clarke. This is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" Clarke glances back at Finn and responds, "Yes, the Earth is survivable. We're not alone." there is a long pause and Clarke gets impatient "Mom, he's dying. The knife is still in his chest." Abby's voice comes through "Okay," Jaha's voice comes through "Clarke. Is my son with you?" I look down Clarke looks up sadly and pauses, before speaking into the radio. 

"I'm so sorry. Wells is- Wells is dead." The radio falls silent momentarily before Abby's voice instructs, "I'm going to talk you through it, step by step." The dropship creaks with the force of the storm outside. Clarke urges Abby to hurry, and we all feel the growing anxiety as the radio transmission cuts in and out.

Clarke looks to Raven with concern when the radio starts acting up, and Raven panics, "It's not the radio, it's the storm." We all wait anxiously for Abby's instructions to continue. "Clarke, we need to hurry," Abby finally says.

I glance outside and see the storm raging on. Octavia enters the dropship, carrying two canisters. Clarke takes one and turns towards Octavia, who explains, "Pretty sure no germ could survive Monty's moonshine." The storm intensifies, and we all turn our attention to the doors. "Storm's getting worse. Monroe, close the doors," Clarke orders. Monroe hesitates, "But we still have people out there." Octavia nods "Monty and Jasper still aren't back yet. Neither is Bellamy." Clarke reassures her, "It's okay, they'll find somewhere to ride it out." Raven gets Clarke's attention, holding out a needle. 

"One stitching needle," she confirms. Clarke nods, "Great, I still need something to close the wound." Octavia suggests, "There's some wire on the second level." I nod, "I used some of it for the tents." Octavia walks towards the ladder, "Right, I go get it." Raven looks at Octavia, "Stay away from the blue wires that run through the ceiling. I rigged it to the solar cells in the roof. That means they're hot! You got that?" Octavia assures her, "Yeah, I got that." Octavia heads upstairs to get the wire, and Raven and Clarke face each other.

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