We are grounders pt 1

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Word count-2833

I've been holed up in the dropship ever since the incident. Clarke and Finn are still missing, and to make matters worse, I learned that Monty has gone missing too. Restless and anxious, I lie on the second floor, my mind consumed by worry.

Jasper walks by, and when he returns, I decide to break the silence. "Hey Jasper," I call out. He nods in acknowledgment, and I ask, "What are you doing?" He takes a seat and shows me a jar of gunpowder. "Making some for Bellamy," he replies.

My eyes drift down "He's not going after them," Jasper says, voicing what I've been fearing. I look up, determination flickering in my gaze. "Like hell he's not," I assert, standing up with resolve. Jasper reaches out to stop me, "Y/n, there's no getting through to him." I glare at the ground, frustration building within me. "Fuck" I mutter, clenching my fists. Jasper takes the jar of gunpowder and descends the ladder.

"He stopped breathing. I was... I was trying to help him," I hear Murphy's voice from below. There's a clang, and Jasper's voice follows, urging Murphy to put the gun down. I get closer to the hatch, quietly eavesdropping on their conversation.

"He tried to kill me," Murphy explains, his tone tense with a mix of desperation and anger. Jasper tries to calm him down, "Hey, don't move," but the situation remains tense. I peer through the hatch, seeing Jasper nod in an attempt to defuse the situation.

"Okay. Okay. It's cool," Jasper reassures, but Murphy remains on edge, realizing the potential consequences. "No, it's not. You know what'll happen to me if you tell Bellamy," Murphy confesses, fear evident in his voice.

Suddenly, the radio crackles to life, and we hear Bellamy's voice breaking through the static. "Tell Bellamy what?" he asks, unaware of the unfolding drama inside the dropship. Murphy sighs, trying to gain control of the situation, "Give me the radio, Jasper." Jasper reluctantly hands over the radio to Murphy.

And then, with a shocking blow, Murphy strikes Jasper with the gun, taking him by surprise. The drop ship door slams shut, trapping them inside. I hold back a yell, fear gripping me as I realize the gravity of the situation. "Murphy, what the hell are you doing? Murphy! Murphy! Open the damn door!" Bellamy's voice echoes from outside.

Holding Jasper at gunpoint, Murphy communicates with Bellamy through the radio, "You try to be a hero, Jasper dies," Murphy warns, his face etched with anger. Jasper catches my gaze, silently urging me to stay calm as Murphy proceeds to tie him to a pipe. The tension inside the drop ship becomes unbearable as we wait for Bellamy's next move.

I shift my position slightly, and in the process, something accidentally falls, making a soft noise. "SHIT," I whisper to myself. Instantly, I hear a laugh, and my heart skips a beat. "Y/n, is that you?" Murphy's voice calls out. Panic sets in, but there's no escaping the situation now.

"I swear to God, y/n, if you don't come down here in three seconds, I'll shoot Jasper in the leg," Murphy threatens, his voice laced with menace. Trapped in a tense predicament, I glance around, searching for any possible way out. There's no hope, so I decide to comply and climb down the ladder.

As I reach the bottom, Murphy's eyes lock onto mine. "Y/n. Y/n. Y/n," he says, seemingly relishing the situation. He raises the gun, ready to knock me out, but I refuse to back down. "Don't you fucking dare," I say, my glare unwavering.

Resigned to the situation, I walk over to a nearby pipe, allowing him to tie my hands behind my back. "Thanks for your cooperation," he taunts, and I nod in response, staying as composed as I can under the circumstances.

Suddenly, the sound of Octavia's voice echoes through the drop ship, "Murphy! Murphy, if you even touch Jasper, I swear to God, you're dead."

Murphy's bitter laughter fills the tense silence that follows. I shift my gaze to Jasper, trying to convey reassurance, but I can see the fear in his eyes. The Wakie suddenly makes a noise, and Bellamy's voice cuts through the air. "Murphy, I know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen," Bellamy says, trying to reason with Murphy.

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